NEB Class 12 Management Result 2074 has published today. According to the information given by National Examination Board the meeting was held at 8:30.
So you can easily download the NEB class 12 Management Result 2074 in this page. National Examination Board has published the result of all Management, Education and Humanities at once.

How to Download NEB Class 12 Management Result 2074?
Table of Contents
Well regarding the NEB Class 12 Management Result 2074 we have already discussed in length in our previous articles. So if you have missed them please find them in the category NEB result. It has been long that we are working in the academic field. Beside the routine and result we are giving preparation materials for different level students.

What to study after Class 12 Management?
Yes really there is a big problem both for the parents and students to find the correct path for further study in the university level. Basically the students who have no one to guide them at home are found more confused. Therefore we provide free carrier guidance for the students and parents. Hence if you have any question regarding the further study please drop your queries in our comment box below.
Study USA after Grade 12 Management
If you are willing to for abroad study we have carrier guidance given above. We provide free students guidance both online and off line. So if you have any questions please drop it in the comment box below.
How to Download the Mark sheet?
If we look back just couple of decades students have to wait many days to find their result of the then SLC in Gorkhapatra. But now time has changed. Students can see their mark sheet and grade sheet online. So you simply need is the internet. There are several websites, sms service and IVR service for the NEB results.
Where to Get Online Grade 12 Management Result?
We have dozens of article about the way of finding NEB result online in our previous articles. We hope our regular readers might have gone through them. The official site of National Examination Board, the Nepal Telecom website and many more gives the online results.
At the same time we will upload the result in this page as soon as it is published by National Examination Board.
Be in touch with us for all kinds of academic results in Nepal.