Magic of Numbers in Maths


There are many maths magic in number system. Juggling the numbers is much interesting.

Here we discuss about finding the square of two digit numbers.

Magic of Numbers in Maths

Here we find the square without actual multiplication. It is so interesting to find the square of two digit numbers ending with 5.

Like the numbers 15, 25,35,45,55 and so on.  We find the square of 35 first. Square of 35 means 352 or 35 x 35.

The product of 35 multiplied with 35 is obtained as follow. Multiply 3 with next larger digit 4 and we have 12. Write 25 after this 12 and you have the answer 1225.

Magic in Mathematics Numbers 

There are many magic in mathematics. Juggling the numbers is much interesting. Here we discuss about finding the square of two digit numbers.

Here we find the square without actual multiplication. It is so interesting to find the square of two digit numbers ending with 5.

Like the numbers 15, 25,35,45,55 and so on.  We find the square of 35 first. Square of 35 means 352 or 35 x 35. The product of 35 multiplied with 35 is obtained as follow. Multiply 3 with next larger digit 4 and we have 12. Write 25 after this 12 and you have the answer 1225.

Similarly 15 x 15 = 225

Here 1 in tens place of 15 is multiplied with 2 the next larger digit to get 2. Now put 25 after this 2 and get the answer 225.

Next 25 x 25 = 625

Here, 2 in tens place of 25 is multiplied with 3 the next larger digit to get 6. Now put 25 after this 6and get the answer 625.

This type of calculation can motivate the students. Just making traditional teaching cannot cripple them in their mathematical work. If teachers, they introduce such tricks in the class certainly it makes the mathematics easier.

Basically we can call it magic to the juniors.  Though it looks like magic, it has the sound mathematical logic. Here is details.

The square of two digit number say 10 a + 5 is like

(10a + 5 )=  (10a + 5 ) x (10a + 5 )

=  (10a) 2 + 2.10a.5 + 52

=  100a2  + 100a + 25

=  100a (a +1) + 25

=   a(a + 1 ).100 + 25

This is the rule. For a ( a+1 ) is the product of the original tens place digit and a digit larger by 1. The factor 100 tells us that the result cannot overlap the 25.

Similarly 15 x 15 = 225

Here 1 in tens place of 15 is multiplied with 2 the next larger digit to get 2. Now put 25 after this 2 and get the answer 225.

Next 25 x 25 = 625

Maths Magic of Numbers

Here, 2 in tens place of 25 is multiplied with 3 the next larger digit to get 6. Now put 25 after this 6and get the answer 625.

This type of calculation can motivate the students. Just making traditional teaching cannot cripple them in their mathematical work.

If teachers, they introduce such tricks in the class certainly it makes the mathematics easier.

Basically we can call it magic to the juniors.  Though it looks like magic, it has the sound mathematical logic.

The square of two digit number say 10 a + 5 is like

(10a + 5 )=  (10a + 5 ) x (10a + 5 )

=  (10a) 2 + 2.10a.5 + 52

=  100a2  + 100a + 25

=  100a (a +1) + 25

=   a(a + 1 ).100 + 25

This is the rule. For a ( a+1 ) is the product of the original tens place digit and a digit larger by 1. The factor 100 tells us that the result cannot overlap the 25.

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