Welcome to SEE Result information page. Here we give the steps on How to get Online SEE Grade Sheet.

SEE Result with Grade Sheet
Table of Contents
The official page of national examination board and the office of the controller of examination give the online secondary education exam SEE result with grade sheet. It is see.gov.np. Similarly the next webpage for online result is soce.gov.np.
How to get Online SEE Grade Sheet
The SEE examination result with grade sheet is also available at see.ntc.net.np. It is the official website of Nepal Telecom. In comparison to other government’s websites it does not go down easily. It means the server of NTC is better than other governmental websites.
SEE Result Websites
If you have the internet facility then you can check the SEE result with grade sheet. You can even print it. Hence the best way to get NEB results with grade sheets is the websites.
We have mentioned some official websites above. Beside this there will be some commercial websites for the online result. the list will come very soon. As soon as the office of the controller of examination class 10 section publishes the list we will make it available in this page. Hence remain with us for all kinds of NEB results.
How Can I Check my SEE Exam Online Result?
It had been more than a decade that the examination board has not published the result in the printing media. In the past examination controller’s office used to publish the then SLC result in Gorkhapatra national daily newspaper. Now there are several options for online SEE exam results.
- SEE result in websites
- SMS method for online SEE Results
- SEE results by IVR method.
- Sparrow SMS for SEE online results
How Can I Find SEE Results with Grade Sheet?
The only way to get the SEE online result with grade sheet is the website. You can log in to any one of the above official websites. Then you have to enter the exam roll number with date of birth.
Just fill the details in the result page and submit it. Now you will get the result with grade sheet. If you have the printer connected with your computer then you can easily print it.
SMS Methods for SEE Online Results
Here are the steps for SEE result by sms method.
- Go to the message box in your mobile phone
- Type SEE give space and type SEE exam symbol number
- Now send it to 1600
IVR Method for online SEE Result
IVR is the next alternate method to give online SEE exam result with Mark Sheet. Now dial 1600 from any phone set. Listen to the instruction given over there. Follow it to get the result. But by this method you can get the GPA only. It is not possible to get grade shee.t
How do I Check my SLC Result with Grade Sheet?
The board exam at the end of class 12 is SLC. In Nepal national examination board is responsible to organize the SLC exam and its result publication. Every year NEB publishes the class 12 board exam result by the end of July.
The process to get the SLC result is same as SEE. Hence we do not repeat the above steps over here.
How can I Check NEB Result 2080?
NEB results are SEE and SLC. We have mentioned the methods to check these NEB board exam results in this article. Therefore just following these steps you can get online NEB board exams result.
It is the information page for SEE Examination Results. Therefore to get the online result with grade sheet you must visit the official page of SEE Exam result.
Finally we would like to express our best wishes to all the SEE appeared students of the year 2079.