How to Apply EDV 2022 from Nepal is the burning question. This might be your question in mind. Here we give the details for EDV 2022 online application.

How to Apply EDV 2022 from Nepal?
Table of Contents
The state government has some new rules for EDV 2022. So before applying for the diversity visa lottery you have to read these rules carefully. The incorrect and incomplete application will be disqualified from the lottery.
EDV 2022 New Rules
American government has made valid passport mandatory for the main applicant from last year. This year also it is going to implement some new provision for the diversity visa lottery.
Read the article till the end for the complete knowledge about online dv lottery application. A small error leads your application form disqualified.
No Information about Disqualified Application
As you know dv lottery is fully computerized random selection process. Hence it does not inform you about the disqualified form. Therefore you must complete the application form properly.
Every year thousands of dv lottery forms from Nepal are being disqualified before the random selection. It means these people have no chance to win the lottery because they are not included in the selection process.
Winning or not winning the Lottery
It is up to your luck either to win or not win the dv lottery. But if your application form is not qualified at that moment you have no chance to win the lottery at all. Therefore the main thing in the dv lottery is to make your application correct.
If your application form is correct then there is chance to win. But if your online form is not perfect then there is zero probability to win the lottery. Hence our attempt is to guide you people for the perfect dv application.
How to make DV lottery Application form Perfect?
The most important part of the dv lottery application form is photograph. All kinds of 600×600 pixels size photos are accepted by the online application software of dv lottery.
But during the random selection process the computer system will examine your photograph. Hence always make online checking of your dv lottery photo before submitting it.
How to Check the DV Lottery Photograph?
You can find so free online software to examine the dv lottery photograph. So it is wise to check the photo before submitting it.
At the same time if you want to learn more about dv lottery correct size photograph see our previous article on it.
The official site for the dv lottery online application is