Grade Ten HPEE Board Exam Questions

grade ten hpee

Grade ten HPEE board exam questions. Health Population and Environment is the compulsory subject for grade ten. This is 75 full marks paper. HPEE consist of knowledge from different areas. So it gives practical and useful knowledge for the students. Here are three sets of board level exam pattern questions.

Class: 10

Time: 2:15 Hours          Subject:  Health, Population & Env. Education

       Attempt all the questions.

       Group: ‘A’

      Answer very short answers to the following questions: (10×1=10)

  1. What is the system of registration of birth, death called?
  2. How do you calculate midyear population ?
  3. In how many levels the human development index is divided into? What are they?
  4. Which aspect of ecosystem are plants and animals considered?
  5. In which geographical regions are Nepalgunj and Namchebazar located?
  6. Write the name of any two rare plants found in Mountain Region.
  7. How many offspring does a Bengal Tiger give birth at a time?
  8. Write any one measure to control unmanaged urbanization.
  9. In the context of Nepal, which disease is mostly fond in HIV/AIDS infected person?
  10. What sorts of departments have been arranged for the service of patient in hospital?

Group: ‘B’

      Give short answers to the following questions: (13×5=65)

      (Attempt any 13 questions from this group.)

  1. Why sample survey method is considered effective in collecting population data?
  2. How do ovulation and miscarriage affect the birth?
  3. There were 1120 people of the age group between 0-14 years, 600 of the age group 60 years and above and 2505 of the age group 15-59 years out of 4225 in one district in 2068 BS. If the number of males were 2120, find the dependency ratio and sex ratio.
  4. ‘Quality of life may also be lacked even in a financially sound family.’ Why?
  5. Differentiate between In-Situ and Ex-Situ Conservation methods.
  6. What is conservation of biodiversity? Write any six essentials of conservation of biodiversity to the points.
  7. Write short notes on any two of the followings:
  • Yarsagumba
  • Jatamasi
  • Clouded Leopard
  1. What are the different types of industries categorized in Nepal on the basis of investment? Describe any two of them in brief.
  2. What will happen if we do not follow the principle of sustainable development in conducting development activities? Write any five effects.
  3. What is malnutrition? What are the causes of malnutrition in Nepal? Write in five points.
  4. How would you change the traditional behaviors of your community that adversely affect the health? Write any five alternative way to change it.
  5. ‘Drug addiction is a serious problem among the young generation in the present context of Nepalese society.’ Justify the statement.
  6. What are the four major health problems of your community? How do you solve these problems? Write any four efforts.
  7. When was Nepal Heart Foundation established? Evaluate any 4 activities that it has been carrying out in Nepal.

Set II

Class: 10

Time: 2:15 hours

Subject:  Health, Population & Env. Education

Attempt all the questions.

Group: ‘A’

   Give very short answer to the following questions: (10×1=10)

  1. Which is the artificial factor of population change?
  2. Write the formula to calculate infant mortality rate.
  3. In terms of human development index which SAARC country is ranked first among all members?
  4. Write the full form of ICIMOD.
  5. Write any one major activity for the protection of degrading natural environment of our country.
  6. What is the main function of Gene?
  7. Give the name of any two reptiles protected in Nepal.
  8. The ozone layer is being depleted day by day. Write the name of any one gas that plays a vital role in it.
  9. What causes rickets?
  10. Write any one example of unhealthy life style.

Group: ‘B’

     Give short answer to any 13 of the following questions: (13×5=65)

  1. What is census? Distinguish between two methods of census in four points.
  2. How does age of people affect on birth and migration? Write in brief.
  3. The midyear population of a certain village was 15500 according to the census of 2068 BS. 120 infants were born and 45 people including old and infants died in the same year due to cold and cholera. Calculate the rate of natural increase of that village for the year.
  4. Mention any 6 elements of quality life and write in brief about any one of them.
  5. Write he short description of biological aspect of Terai region.
  6. More people want to migrate to Terai region. Write any 5 reasons.
  7. How does waste management contribute in conservation of environment? Write with examples.
  8. Write short notes on any two:
  • Spike Nard
  • Himalayan Yew
  • Clouded Leopard
  1. What is industrial development? Write about its any 4 importance in brief.
  2. The importance of sustainable development is increasing in the present context. Give any five reasons.
  3. Write the definition of communicable disease and mention any four preventive measures of communicable diseases.
  4. Justify the statement, ‘Balanced diet can be prepared through locally available foodstuffs.’
  5. Write any 5 causes and preventive measures of drinking alcohol.
  6. Lack of health service is one of the major health problems of Nepal. How?
  7. Differentiate between health post and primary health center.


Subject:  Health, Population & Env. Education

Time: 2 hours 15 minutes

Attempt all the questions.

Group A

Very short answer questions: (10×1 = 10)

  1. Which population group is supposed as dependent population?
  2. Write the formula to find the doubling time of population.
  3. What is the long term goal of population education?
  4. Write the name of any two ethnic groups living in Terai region of Nepal.
  5. Why should the people of hilly region be encouraged to grow fodder trees?
  6. Which part of the Himalayan Yew can be used to cure cancer?
  7. What is in-Situ conservation?
  8. Write any one characteristic of the cottage industry.
  9. Which disease is caused by the deficiency of iodine in food?
  10. Write any one problem of health sector in Nepal.

Group B

Grade Ten HPEE Short answer questions: (13×5=65)

 Attempt any 13 questions from this group.

  1. Describe the demographic components with example.
  2. What is the scope of population education? Describe briefly.
  3. Suppose, in a certain district the midyear population was 175000. In the same year 1600 people died and in migrants were 2600 and out migrants were 900. Now, calculate the Crude Death Rate (CDR) and Gross Migration Rate (GMR).
  4. Write down any five efforts to uplift quality of life and explain any one of them.
  5. Describe the physical aspect of hilly region of Nepal.
  6. How can we manage the industrial development of Terai region? Mention any five ways.
  7. Write any five points to show the facts about protecting and long lasting development of biodiversity.
  8. What measures should be taken for the conservation of rare animals and birds? Write in your own words.
  9. What are the adverse effects appear in the human life and environment due to unplanned urbanization?
  10. Define the word ‘development’. And write any four benefits that development brings.
  11. What is malnutrition? How does it affect in the human health?
  12. How are the waterborne diseases spread in the community? Write any four preventive measures of them.
  13. ‘Use of tobacco and alcohol is injurious to health’. Justify the statement.
  14. What sort of roles should be played by community to prevent the major health problems?
  15. Write down any five functions of Family Planning Association of Nepal. And describe them briefly.

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