Grade Eight DLE Science Questions

grade eight dle science questions

Grade eight students have to face district level board exam at end of basic level schooling. Here we are going to inclucde some important grade eight DLE science questions.

Theses DLE science questions are prepared by very experience teachers. We hope that grade eight students will be benifited by this DLE science questions.

In each district of Nepal there is district level examination board. This board is responsible for the conduction of DLE board exam. Government has recently decided to prepare DLE questions according to the curriculum given by the government. Hence the private schools who are not following the government curriculum are in trouble at the moment.

Grade eight DLE Science Questions

Class: 8                                        Full Marks: 75 Pass Marks: 30

Subject: Science                           Time: 2:15 hours

Attempt all the questions.

  1. a. What is 1 kg mass? Differentiate mass and weight by any two points. (1+2=3)
  2. Convert: (i) one day into second (ii) 1 centimeter into kilometer (1+1=2)
  3. a. What is acceleration? If the velocity of a vehicle starting from rest reaches 10 m/s in 10 second, is velocity uniform? Explain your answer. (1+2=3)
  4. Calculate the relative velocity of a motorcycle with respect to a car moving with 50 m/s due east and 60 m/s due west respectively. (2)
  5. a. How can a small boy balance an adult man in a see-saw? Explain it with diagram. (2)
  6. A machine raises a load of 600 N to a distance of 4 m by applying an effort of 200 N through a distance of 16 m. Calculate MA, VR and efficiency of the machine. (3)
  7. a. Give reasons: (1.5×2=3)
  8. In a single wheel barrow, the more we shift the load towards the hands, the harder it becomes to lift the load.
  9. The base of a dam is made wider than that of the top

Grade eight DLE Science Questions

  1.  What is atmospheric pressure? Write its cause. What is its value at sea level? (1+0.5+0.5=2)
  2. Perform an activity to prove atmosphere exerts pressure with procedure, observation, necessary diagrams and conclusion. (3)
  3. a. What is 1 Pascal pressure? Prove liquid pressure P = dgh, where symbols have their usual meaning. (1+2=3)
  4. If 5 cm3 of wood weighs 40 gm and same volume of water weighs 50 gm. What is the relative density of wood? (2)
  5. a. What do you mean by the statement ‘a heater is of power 760 watt’? Write the devices that transform following forms of energy. (1.5+1.5=3)
  6. Mechanical to electrical
  7. Light to electrical
  8. Potential to kinetic and then to electrical

Grade eight DLE Science Questions

  1. How are work and energy interrelated? Write with suitable example. (2)
  2. a. If the wooden block has a mass of 2 kg and is raised by Ram up to a height of 1.5 m, what work will be done? [g = 9.8 m/s]. If it takes time of 0.25 minute, calculate the power of Ram, in horse power. (2+1=3)
  3. Complete the following word equations: (2)
  4. Hydrogen + Oxygen            ® …………………..
  5. Nitrogen + ……………        ® Ammonia
  6. a. Define molecule. Draw the diagram of molecular structure of following compounds that you have made in science lab-work by the help of molymode model. (1+1+1=3)
  7. Methane                    ii.   Water
  8. Write one difference between protons and electrons on the basis of their mass. Calculate the molecular weight of chlorine molecule (Cl2). (1+1=2)
  9. a. A portion of periodic table is shown below. Observe the table and answer the following questions:

i)  Identify the elements x and y. (1)

ii) Write the valency of x, y. (1)

           iii) Which one is also called as inert element among x, y and z? Why? (1)

H       He
Li Be B   Ne
Na ‘y’ Al   ‘z’
‘x’ Ca      

Grade eight DLE Science Questions

  1. Write the principle of chromatography. What is the function of fractionating column used in fractional distillation? (1+1=2)
  2. a. Write the method of separation of following mixtures: (4×0.5=2)
  3. Different dyes from its mixture
  4. Petrol, diesel, kerosene etc from crude oil
  5. Testing drugs in urine of players

Class Eight BLE English Questions 

  1. To separate pigments from their mixture.
  2. How can you separate potassium permanganate from its solution? Describe with laballed diagram. (3)
  3. a. Define epithelial tissue? Write any two characteristics of such tissue. Identify and write any one function of the tissue in the figure. (1+1+1=3
  1. Write any two differences between apical and lateral meristem. (2)
  2. a. Define micropyle of a seed. Write the ways by which following seeds get dispersed. (2)
  3. Pappus seed                        ii.   Caster seed
  4. What is mycelium? Draw a neat diagram of a mushroom and label any two parts? (1+1+1=3)
  5. a. Why are different parts of the plant modified? Leaves of the plants found in dry habitat have often fleshy leaves. Why? (1.5+1.5=3)
  6. Write any two differences between monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous seeds. (2)
  7. a. Write the name of principal ore of the following minerals as well as write place of their distribution in Nepal. (1.5+1.5=3)
  8. Iron                             ii.   Copper
  9. How the ice/glaciers or water becomes the main factors for causing erosion in mountainous countries like Nepal? Write in your own words. (2)

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