Class Seven Science Practice Questions

class seven science

Here are there sets of class seven science questions. These questions are helpful for the preparation of grade seven annual examinations. Class seven science students will find it very useful for their annual exam preparation.

Set I

1.    a.  What is gravitational force? Write down any one difference between centrifugal force and centripetal force. Write the name of the type of force involved in the following cases.

i. an apple falling from the tree

ii. Using brakes to stop a moving vehicle. (1+1+1=3)

b.     Calculate the force required to bring a vehicle of 2500kg in motion with an acceleration of 2.5 m/s2. (2)

2.    a.  Define simple machine. Why is it easier to lift the load in the wheel barrow if the load is put closer to the wheel? (1+2=3)

b.  A load of 320N is balanced by using a first class lever. If the load is at 20cm and the effort is at     80cm away from the fulcrum, calculate the value of the effort applied. (2)

3.    a.  What is density? Why does an egg sink in pure water and float on saturated solution of salt and water? (1+2=3)

b.  The volume of a body weighing 6000kg is 800000cm3. Find its density and relative density.

(Take density of water as 1000kg/m3) (1.5+0.5=2)

4.    a.  How the boiling point of water is determined at sea level? Explain with diagram. (2+1=3)

b.  Write down any four features of mercury due to which it is used as thermometric liquid. (2)

5. Write down any two points of difference between shadow and image.

6.    a.  What is meant by source of sound? Write three states of transmission of sound. (1.5×2=3)

b.  What is magnetic field? What is the law of magnetic poles? (1+1=2)

7.    a.  What is magnetic induction? Name the device which converts the energy as follows:

i. Chemical energy into electrical energy

ii. Light energy (solar) into electrical energy (1+2=3)

b.     What is electric circuit? Write down a difference between open and closed circuit. (1+1=2)

8.    a.  Define matter. Write down any two points of difference between element and compound. (1+2=3)

b.  What is symbol? Write down the name and symbol of elements with atomic number 5, 11 and 19. (0.5+1.5=2)

9.    a.  What is homogeneous mixture? Name the method by which following components of mixtures are separated.

i. salt from salt solution

ii. Alcohol and water

iii. Iodine from a mixture of iodine and salt

iv. Water from mixture of sand and water (1+0.5×4=3)

b.     Write down any two differences between physical change and chemical change. (2)

10.  Write down an activity to separate copper sulphate crystals from its solution. (Materials needed, method, observation,        diagram) (0.5+2+0.5+2=5)

11.  a.  What is hard water? Write down any one chemical equation for the following.

i. Removal of temporary hardness by boiling

ii. Removal of temporary hardness by using lime water (1+2=3)

b.     What is water pollution? Write down any two causes of water pollution. (1+1=2)

12.  a.  Classify the following organisms with one main character of each. (3)

i. Spirogyra                 ii. Frog

b.  Draw a diagram of a plant cell and label any three parts in it. (2)

13.  a.  i.   Define the following terms. (1×2=2)

Respiration, Excretion

ii.     Write down any two characteristics of animal cell which are not present in plant cell. (1)

b.     Write down any four points of difference between monocotyledonous seed and dicotyledonous seed. (2)

14.  a.  How do glaciers cause soil erosion? “Soil erosion and deposition go side by side”. Justify the     statement. (1+2=3)

b.  Write down any two characteristics feature of each of mantle and inner core. (2)

15. i.       Which is the coldest planet? Why? (0.5+1=1.5)

ii.     Which is the largest planet? Why? (0.5+1=1.5)

b.  i.   Define bright half. (1)

ii.  Name the following: (1)

§  The smallest planet in solar system

§  The morning and evening star.

Set II

I.a. Define force and write its unit. Write any three effects of force.

b.    It is easier to lift the load in the wheel barrow if the load is kept closer to the wheel but difficult when it is kept nearer to handle, why?

2.a.  What is density? Find the density of iron having mass 40000kg and volume 5 cubic meters.        (1+2)

b.   Sketch two separate diagrams to measure the volume of mercury and water.                                      (1+1)

3.a. What is heat? Write two points of difference between conduction and convection process.              (1+2)

b.  Write any two advantages of using mercury as thermometric liquid instead of alcohol.                   (2)

4.a. Write principle of lever? Write two point of difference between pulley and inclined plane.          (1+2)

b.    What is reflection of light? What types of images are produced by still water surface and when the surface of water is slightly disturbed, why?                                                             (1+2)

b.     Write any two ways of production of sound. In which medium sound travels with maximum speed & minimum speed?                                                                                       (1+1)

6.a. Write any four properties of magnet. Why an electromagnet is called a temporary magnet? (2+1)

b.   Differentiate open circuit and closed circuit with two points.                              (2)

7.a.    Sketch a diagram of simple cell and label any 3 parts.                                         (1.5+1.5)

b.    Define physical and chemical change.                                                                  (2)

8.a.    What is an element? Write the names and symbols of element having atomic number 12 and 19. (1+2)

b.   What types of mixture should be separated by sublimation process? Give reasons.          (1+1)

9.a.    Define the followings:

(i)  Saturated solution.   (ii)  Unsaturated solution.       (iii) Crystallization.                  (1×3=3)

b.    Sketch the crystals of common salt & fitkiri.                                                       (1+1)

10.a.  Two test-tubes A & B contain water from different places and they are treated with soap by using dropper as shown in the figures.

Class Seven Science Long Questions

Answer the following questions.

(i)      Which of the sample contains hard water & which contains soft water?

(ii)     What is the cause of hardness of water?

(iii)    Write a word equation to remove temporary hardness of water by boiling.                  (1+1+1)

b.  Name the respiratory organ of following animals. Butterfly, Earthworm, Tadpole,  Mammals. (0.5×4=2)

11.a.  What are cryptogams? Write a difference between mushroom and spirogyra. Write any two functions of root system.         b.  How does a frog adapt to it’s mode of life? Write any two points.                                (2)

12.     Write two similarities between plant cell and animal cell.                                              (2)

13.a.  What is excretion? The excretion done by plants differs from those done by animals. Write two statements to explain it.

b.  What are endospermic & non endospermic seeds?                                              (2)

14.a.  The newly formed seed cannot germinate even when it is provided with favorable condition for germination. Give reason. Point out two differences between Hilum and Micropyle.  (1+2)

b.  What is water pollution? Write any two important ways to prevent it.                         (1+1)

15.a.  What is solar system? Name the shape of earth’s orbit? How does the revolution of the earth with its tilted axis cause change in seasons?                                                                   (1+0.5+1.5)

b.    What is soil erosion? Write any two preventive measures for it.                                   (1+1)


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