Class 11 Entrance Exam Questions

Class 11 Entrance Exam Questions

Now it is time to prepare Class 11 Entrance Exam Questions for SEE 2077 students. Nepal government has already announced that there will be no physical presence exam for this year.

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Class 11 Entrance Exam Questions

Here we have some Mathematics MCQ for Class 11 entrance exam.

Tick the correct answers

  1. What is the value of x and y if (2x – 1, – 3) = (1, y + 3)?
    • a. x= 1 & y = 2          b) x= 1 & y = 6           c) x= 1 & y = -6       d) x= 1 & y = 3
  2. What is the range of the relation R = {(x, y): y = x2} and x is natural number less than 4?
    • a. { 0,1,2,3}              b) {1,2,3}                    c) {1,4,9,16}             d) {1,4,9}
  3. If f is the function such that f(x+3) = f(x) + f(3) find the value of f(0).
    • a. 1                            b) 2f(3)                        c) –f(3)                        d) 0
  4. If f (x) = g(x) and f(x) = 2x + 6 and g(x) = 8x – 6 find the value of x.
    • a. 1                            b) 2                              c) 3                              d) 0
  5. A function f from A to B is said to be ………………. Function if the range of the function is the proper subset of the domain.
    • a. One to one b) many to one            c) into               d) onto
  6. What element in the domain has image 7 in the function f(x) = x2 – 2?
    • a. 3                           b) 9                              c) -1                             d) 4
  7. What is the product of the polynomials (x-1) and (x2 + x + 1)?
    • a. x3 – 1                     b) x3 + 1                      c) x3 – x2 + 1               d) x2– 1
  8. In the sequence 3, 7, 11, 15……. what is the tenth term?
    • a. 37                          b) 38                            c) 39                            d) 40

Class 11 Entrance Exam Questions Maths

  1. If the range of the function f(x) = 7x – 8 is 13 find the element of the domain.
    • a. 1                            b) 2                              c) 3                              d) 4
  2.  If f(x) = 3x -1 what is the value of f (2.001)
  3.   f f(x) = 2x + 2 what is the value of f (0.999)
  4.  A scalar matrix is also a …………………. Matrix.
    • a. Square                   b) rectangular              c) null d) unit
  5.  What is the order of a matrix having 3 rows and 4 columns?
    • (3,4)                       b. 3×4                                      c. 4×3 d. (4,3)
  6.  Find the value of x and y if [-7          x] + [ y – 2] = [ -5 3].
    • x= 2, y = 3             b. x = 5, y = 2 c.  x = 5, y = 3             d.  x = 5 y = 4
  7.  If A = [ 1 -2 5] find the additive inverse of matrix A.
  8. [ -1 -2 5]                b. [ -1  2  -5]                c. [ 1  -2  -5]                d. [ 1  2  5]
  9.  Find the sum of the given matrices A = [2x  -3y] and B = [ -4x  7y].
    • [-6x -10y]  b.  [-2x   4y]                c. [-6x  10y]                d. [-2x -4y]
  10.  For …………..the order of two matrices must be same.
    • Multiplication       b. addition                   c. division                   d. all of above
  11.  What is the midpoint of the line joining the points (3, 2) and (1, 4)?
    • ( 2, 1)                     b. (2, -1)                      c. (-2, 1)                      d. (2, 3)

NEB Entrance Exam Questions

  1.  In a triangle the centroid divides the median in the ratio ………… from the vertex?
    • 3: 1                        b. 2: 1               c. 4: 1              d. 1:2
  2.  Which point lies in the locus 2x + y – 1 = 0
    • (2,3)                      b. (2, -3)                      c. (-2,3)                        d. ( 0, 5)
  3. Find the equation of the straight line parallel to X axis and 3 units above x axis?
    • X + 3 = 0               b. x – 3 = 0                  c. y = 3                        d. y = -3
  4.  What is the slope of the line y = 2x – 5
    • 5                            b. -5                             c. 2                              d. -2
  5.  What is the equation of straight line with x intercept 2 and y intercept 2?
    • x+ y = 4                       b. x+ y = 2                  c. x+ y = -2                  d. x – y = 2
  6.  what is the y intercept of the line 2y = 3x + 8
    • 8                            b. 4                              c. 3                              d. 2

Entrance Exam Questions

  1.  What is the slope of the line passing through the points (3, 2) and (5, 8)
    • 1/3                         b. 3                  c. 2                  d. – 3
  2.  Find the area of the triangle with the vertices A (3, -5), B (-2, -7) and C (18, 1) such that A, B and C are collinear.
    • 10 sq. units            b. 15 sq. units c. 0 sq. units    d. 12 sq. units
  3.  In a right angled triangle if one of the acute angle is 50 grade find the other acute angle in degree.
    1. 50              b. 45                            c. 60                            d. 90
  4. What is π/2 radian in degree?
    • 180                        b. 90                            c. 100                          d. 200

Grade 11 Entrance Exam

  1.  Find the angle in radian subtended by an arc of length 7 cm and radius 7 cm.
    • ½                                 b. 1                              c ¾                              d. 2/5
  2.  Find the product of SinA and CotA.
    • tanA                      b. cosA                        c. cotA            d. sinA 
  3.  If SinA is 3/5 find the value of CosA.
    • ¾                                 b. 4/5               c. 5/4                           d. 4/3
  4.  Find the value of sin260 – cos245.
    • 1/3                         b. ¼                             c. ½                             d. 1/5 
  5.  What is the value of sin (- 2130o)?
    • 0.26                       b. 0.25             c. 0.5                           d. 1.5
  6.  cosA.cosB – sinA.sinB is same as ………………………
    • Sin (A + B)           b. Sin (A – B)              c. Cos (A + B)             d. Cos (A – B)
  7.  Find the value of sin20cos70 + cos20 sin70
    • 0                            b. 1                              c. – 1                           d. 2
  8.  What is the radius of the circle if 7 cm long arc subtend 1 radian angle at the center?

a.14 cm                  b. 7 cm                        c. 10 cm                      d. 21 cm

37. What is the magnitude of the vector OA = (3  4)

a. – 5                         b. 5                              c. 4                              d. 3

 38. If two vectors have same magnitude and same direction they are called………. Vectors.

a. Row                       b. column                    c. equal                        d. null

 39 Find the vector PQ joining the point P(1, 2) and Q(3, 0)

(2 2)                      b. (-2 2)                       c. (2 -2)                       d. (-2  -2) 

40. If OA = ( 3  -5)  find 4 OA

a. (12,0)   b. (12 -20)  c. (-12 20)                  d. (12  -20)

 41. What is the image of A (3, -5) when reflected by X axis?

(-3, -5)                   b. (3, -5)                      c. (3, 5)                        d. (-3, 5)         

 42. Find the image of the point (1, 2) when reflected by the line x = – 1

i. (3, 2)                           b. (-3, 2)                      c. (3, -2)                      d. (-3, -2)        

43. What is the image of P (3, 5) when rotated by positive quarter turn?

a. (5, 3)                     b. (5 -3)                      c. (-5, 3)                      d.(5, -3)

Entrance Exam Guide

44 If a point (3, 4) is translated to (-1, 2) what is the translation vector?

(4 -2)                     b. (-4  -2)                     c. (4   2)                       d. (-4  -2)

45. Find the image of A (5, -3) under the enlargement E [ 0, 2]

a. (10, 6)                   b. (-10, 6)                    c. (10, -6)              (10, -6)

46.  What is the coefficient of range of the following data?

25, 62, 98, 10, 6, 90, 108

a. 0.79           b. 0.89 c. 0.99 d. 0.88

47.  If Q1 is 32 and Q3 is 88 find the quartile deviation.

a. 27              b. 28                c. 29                d. 30

 48. Calculate the coefficient of mean deviation if mean deviation from median is 0.9 and median is 3.

a. 2.7                         b. 0.3               c. 0.03             d. 0.31

49  If standard deviation is 9.16 and mean is 35 find the coefficient of standard deviation.

a. 0.265                     b. 0.267           c. 0.262                       d. 0.269

What is asked in 11th entrance exam?

Basically the class 10 curriculum based questions are asked in class 11 entrance exam. But is some cases few schools and colleges are found asking litter higher ability questions as well. However most of the questions are class 10 based.

What type of questions will be asked in entrance exam?

Most of the entrance exams in Nepal have multiple choice questions. It is easy to marked and quick to publish the result. Similarly, in the present context it is widely used in other type of exams due to covid 19.

Is entrance exam necessary for class 11?

Well, in fact all students are eligible to start the class 11 study in same school where they have completed the grade 10 study. But in the present context many high schools do not have classes 11 and 12 with them.

Therefore, students are compelled to rush the next institution for the class 11 study. In such case to screen the students there must be some parameters. Among them entrance exam is popular in the world.

How can I do well in entrance exam?

It is the question in the mind of every student. Here are few tips for the better result in the entrance exam.

  • Be punctual for the exam.
  • Never be panic
  • Read the questions properly.
  • Always think that I can do the best in this exam.
  • Have well managed regular study.

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