Basic English Grammar For Juniors

Basic English Grammar

Here we discuss about Basic English Grammar for juniors. This basic English grammar course will help the junior level students to prepare their grammar course.

Basic English Grammar for Juniors

This the partial work of Basic English grammar course. So for more detail you can go through our several articles. We have hundreds of article related to all level students.

Supply the following phrases in the gaps:

patch of light        in the heart of         against her face         burst into tears    at first
  1. Mahendra Pool is …………………………. Pokhara Valley.
  2. The players lost the match. Therefore, they …………………….
  3. ………………………… entered through the window.
  4. The teacher felt something rubbing ………………………….

Fast English Speaking Course 

Fill in the blanks:
  1. East is to west as night is to …………………………….
  2. Clouds are to sky as ………………………. are to desert.
  3. …………………… is to listen as see is to look.
  4. House is to home as weep is to ………………………..

Select suitable words from their pairs of sounds given in the box. Make sure there are more than required pairs of words:

week,    weak,    knew,     new,  pair,  pear, sun,  son, too, two, dye, die

Example: This pear is not ripe.

Sita has a pair of white socks.

I have got a ———— story book.

Manoj ——————- that I was coming here today.

Sunil is very ————————— in maths.

Next ——————– we are going to Damauli.

His —————- wants to sit in the ——————.

The man is ready to —————- his hair.

The patient will ——————- soon.

Write opposite words for the following:

  1. difficult = ———————–                b.      soft      = ———————–
  2. stale = ———————–                   d.      forget = ———————–

Tick the correct word to complete the sentence.

  1. The man was in a hurry. He did not have ———- to talk with me. (books, time, decision)
  2. The bicycle is in poor condition. It is in need of —————–. (parts, tyres, repair)
  3. Do not disturb me. I am very —————- today. (free, busy, controlled)

More on Basic English Grammar

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the present sense:                        

  1. ………….three cups of tea everyday. (drink)
  2. …………heavily now. (rain)
  3. She never…………………… (smoke)
  4. ……………….now. (play)
  5. …………… his office at 9a.m. everyday. (go)
  6. ……………………….now? (go)

Put the following words in the correct order to make suitable sentences.                      

  1. the/ must/ bus/ he/ have/ caught.
  2. angry/ she/ with/ is/ Ram.
  3. him / made/ captain/ we.
Fill in the blanks with ‘whose’, ‘which’ and ‘whom’.                                                         
  1. The boy…………..mother is a teacher is talented.
  2. The place………… can see from here is beautiful.
  3. I have met the mothers…………….sons were killed in the battle.
  4. She didn’t know the name of the boy to……….she spoke on the phone.

Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles [a, an, the]:                                        

  1. Mira is…………honorable teacher.
  2. New Zealand is…………….island.
  3. She is………….most beautiful girl in our school.
  4. It is………….one rupee note.

So if you have any questions regarding to Basic English Grammar please contact our expert team. So for this just leave your question in the comment box below.

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