Finally, the national examination board Nepal decided for Alternative Evaluation for SEE 2077. The ministry of education will soon give authority for NEB for alternative evaluation of the SEE 2077 students.

Alternative Evaluation for SEE 2077
Table of Contents
Professor Chandra Mani Poudel the chairman of national examination board Nepal explained about the alternative method of SEE and class 12 students’ evaluation. Today he was talking with ujyaalo online radio about it. According to Mr. Poudel the task force has completed it task and presented the report to Nepal government.
SEE and Class 12 Evaluation School Based
The secondary education exam and class 12 board exam students will be evaluated by respective school. It will not be exactly same as previous year however the subject teachers will evaluate their student’s chairman told to the radio. So looking at this as soon as the cabinet decide the modality for SEE and class 12 student’s evaluation NEB will start its task.
SEE Internal Evaluation
Due to corona virus SEE 2076 was also internally evaluated. But there were many questions about this SEE exam internal evaluation. It has both positive and negative aspect. It was too late for the internal evaluation as well.
Hence examination board has made one committee in each school under the chairmanship of Head Teacher of the respective schools.
Evaluation Model 2077
As mentioned above the modality for the internal evaluation will come soon. National examination board will finalize the internal evaluation modality as soon as Nepal government give the authority to the examination board. What so ever it will be the internal evaluation will be school based. The respective subject teacher knows their student the most.
So this year also the evaluation will be school and subject teacher based.
Grade 11 Entrance Questions
Here is the collection of entrance exam questions. These questions will be useful for the SEE graduate students to face the class 11 entrance exam.
Finally, we would like to express our best wishes to all the SEE 2077students for their grand success of classes 11 and 12.