Golden Handshake For Temporary Teachers


Golden handshake for temporary teachers Nepal. Parliament on Saturday endorsed the eighth amendment to the Education Act-1972.  Paving the way for major restructuring of school education that would see phasing out of School Leaving Certificate (SLC) system. And retirement of over 23,000 temporary teachers through golden handshake. Despite reservations from some lawmakers, including those from the ruling parties, the bill, first tabled over six years ago, was endorsed with a two-third majority.

Ministry of Education official site:

With the eighth amendment to the Education Act endorsed, the Higher Secondary Education Board and the Office of the Controller of the Examination will be phased out. Which conducts SLC examination a central examination board (CEB). It would replace them to oversee school education. The final board examination of school education will be conducted in Grade XII instead of Grade X. Grade X board examination will be held at regional level.

 While a central assessment will be held for Grade VIII students. The Act will come into effect after it is authenticated by the President. “The move will also end the decades-long problem related to temporary teachers,” said Education Minister Giriraj Mani Pokharel while tabling the bill for endorsement in Parliament. Once the Act takes effect, school education will be divided into two levels-bases. (Grades I to VIII) and secondary (Grades IX to XII).In the current system, there are four levels—primary (Grades I to V), lower secondary (Grades VI and VII), secondary (Grades IX and X) and higher secondary (Grades XI and XII) 11 to 12) levels.

Starting from the new academic session next year, schools need to be registered either as private “guthi” or public “guthi”. The earlier draft bill had a provision of registering private schools as cooperative. However, the provision was scrapped after strong pressure from private schools operators. Around 50 lawmakers from different parties have been directly involved in the private sector education, who were against that provision.

Golden Handshake For Temporary Teachers Nepal

Temporary teachers recruited before February 2011 can either compete for 49 percent reserved posts in total vacancies. Or choose a golden handshake deal. Which offers a severance amount ranging from Rs 60,000 to Rs 600,000 based on their service period. According to a new provision. The severance sum is based on three categories: those with service period of 5-10 years, 10 to 15 years and 15 years and above.

Temporary teachers who fall under the first category will be entitled to an amount equal to 15 days ‘salary for each service year. While those coming under the second and third categories will be paid one month’s salary and 45 days’ salary respectively for each year of service period.  The Ministry of Education had decided to end the temporary posting of teachers by 2014. Terms of temporary teachers were extended till 2018 due to delay in the amendment to the Education Act.The Act was amended on Saturday.

The long term problem seems to be solved. The new provision will be able to solve temporary teachers problem. Teachers related article in gbsnote.


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