SEE 2074 Computer Science Questions

SEE 2074 Computer Science Questions

Are you preparing SEE 2074 Computer Science Questions? Then here is SEE 2074 Computer Science Questions. This SEE 2074 Computer Science Questions is prepared by experienced teachers. So keep on practicing such questions collections.

SEE 2074 Computer Science Questions

Time: 1.5hrs                                                                                               Full Marks:  50

                                                                                                                    Pass Marks: 16

‘Computer Fundamental’ (22marks)

Q1. Answer the following questions:                                                      (2*5=10)

  1. Define star topology and write a reason why it is most popular.
  2. What is a telnet? List any two services provided by internet.
  3. What is a spam? Write a measure to get rid of it.
  4. List any four requirements for multimedia system.
  5. Define computer ethics and list any one.

Q2.i) Convert the following as instructed.                                             (1*2=2)

  1. (700)8 into decimal b) (A03)16 into binary
  2. ii) Perform binary calculation: (1*2=2)
  3. 110 X 11 b) Divide 1110 by 11

Q3. Match the following:                                                                              (0.5*4=2)

            Group A                                               Group B

  1. Server                                   (              ) Internet
  2. Web browser                         (              ) Main computer
  3. LOS                                       (              ) Coax
  4. BNC connector                      (              ) Microwave link

Q4. Tick the correct answer.                                                                        (0.5*4=2)

  1. Which is the network operating system?
  2. i) Windows NT ii) Server iii) IPX                    iv) Ms-DOS
  3. b) Which of the following is an antivirus?
  4. i) MsAcess ii) NOD 32            iii) Opera              iv) TP-Link
  5. c) Which is not a software security?
  6. i) Password ii) Anti-virus        iii) Insurance      iv) Defragmentation
  7. d) The Cyber law of Nepal commenced on _____________ 2061 B.S.

SEE 2074 Computer Science Questions

Q5. Give the technical term for the followings:                   (0.5*4=2)

  1. A small computer network based on unbounded media.
  2. The first computer virus.
  3. The number of bits that can be transferred per second over a given transmission medium.
  4. A device where two different networks are linked together.

Q6. Write full forms of the followings:                                            (0.5*4=2)

  1. ATM b) HTTP                                c) JPEG                 d) PDF

 SEE 2074 Computer Science Questions Database (10marks)

        Q 7. State whether the statements are true or false.                (0.5*4=2)

  1. Form is a source of table.
  2. A record is also called tuple.
  3. There is only one data type in Ms-Acess.
  4. Reports are usually hardcopy output.

        Q8. Match the following:

             Group ‘A’                                    Group ‘B’

  1. Currency field                          (       ) 1GB
  2. YES/NO field                           (       ) 255 characters
  3. OLE field                                  (       ) 1bit
  4. Text field                                   (       ) 1MB

                                                                (       ) 8 Bytes

        Q9. Answer the following questions.                                              (2*3=6)

  1. a) Define DBMS with two examples.
  2. b) What is data redundancy? What eliminates it in DBMS?
  3. c) What is a query? How is filtering different from sorting?

SEE 2074 Computer Science Questions ‘Qbasic Programming’ (18marks)


  1. a) Define Library function with an example.                             (1)
  2. b) Write two features of C programming. (1)

Q11. Write the function of                                                                           (1)

  1. Line input #1 b) sgn (n)

Q12. Rewrite the program after debugging.                                                 (2)

REM To store name and address in a sequential data file Student.txt if and only if his/her registration lies between 100 and 200.

OPEN “O”, “#2”, “Student.txt”

Enter “Input your registration number”;r

IF r>=100 OR r<=200 THEN

INPUT “Enter your name”;n$

INPUT “Enter your address”;a$

PRINT “Information stored”


WRITE #1, n$, a$



SEE 2074 Computer Science Questions

Q13. Study the program and answer the following questions.     (2)



INPUT “Enter any number” ;n

PRINT “Output”; Digit (n)


FUNCTION Digit (n)

N$= STR$(n)

FOR J = 1 to LEN (N$)

C$=MID$(N$, J, 1)


Result =Result + D




  1. a) List any parameter used in the program.
  2. b) Write any two local numeric variable used in the program.
  3. c) What is the function of STR$ in the program?
  4. d) What would be the output if input (n) is 11001?

SEE 2074 Computer Science Questions

Q14. Find the output of the following program.                                   (2)


DIM n (5)


FOR X = 1 to 5



DATA 20, 21,25,30,50

CALL A1 (N ())


SUB A1(N())

FOR x = 1 to 5

IF N(X) MOD 2 = 0 THEN

= D+ N(X)




Q15. Write a program

  1. a) Using function procedure, if a man’s salary is Rs 1000 per month and it triples every next month. What is his salary in 18th month of his work.(Hint: tn=arn-1) (3)
  2. b) Using sub procedure to generate following pattern (3)






  1. c) To add Name, Address and Roll field of 3 students in an existing sequential file Class.txt. (3)

****Best of Luck****

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