2076 Dashain Tika Time is on 21 Ashoj 2076. According to Panchanga Nirnayak Samiti 2076 Dashain Tika Time is given below.
2076 Dashain Tika Time
Table of Contents
Dashain is the main festival of Nepalese people. As you know that, Nepal is a multicultural county. Here people of different religions live together. In the current years there is no barrier of caste and religion to celebrate great festival Dashain.
Best Dashain Tika Time for 2076
The great festival Dashain falls in the month of October. In these days the weather is fine and sky is clear. Schools and colleges remains closed for 15 days. In some cases the schools remains closed up to Tihar and Chhat.
Auspicious Dashain Tika Time
People of different race and group equally celebrate Dashain festival. At this moment people from abroad also return home to celebrate this festival with family. Soon after the festival, people disperse in their working destination for at least one year.
In the same way these group of people return next year for the next Dashain festival celebration.
Best Dashain Tika Time
The best time for Tika for this year is 10.35 am. However it is equally eligible to take tika and Jamara throughout the Day. The starting time for the Bada Dashains 2076 is 10.35 but you can take tika, jamara and Prasad whole day.
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