Welcome to US Work Visa Application eligibility test page. Fill the online form to know either you are eligible to apply for USA working visa job or not.
Are you Eligible for USA Working Visa Job? Fill Out the Form to Know
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Are you willing to live and work in America? Well, here we have job offers for USA. So, complete this US Work Visa Application Form.

Apply Now
You can make online application from here. So choose the best work visa as your knowledge and skill.
US Work Visa Application Form
Fill all the details correctly. If you provide any incorrect information it leads to the disqualification for visa. Hence fill all the personal details according to your passport.
USA Working Visa Application
There is shortage of labor in the seasonal works. So, to fulfill this shortage of labor USA takes migrant workers. They get temporary working visa. This type of visa is generally for six months.
How to get Temporary Working Visa
Here are the steps to get temporary working visa for USA.
- Make online application for the temporary visa.
- The employer will file the petition to the ministry of labor.
- The concern authority will investigate the demand of foreign labors.
- When your application will be approved then you will get the job offer letter from the employer.
- Now you have to move to the American embassy in your home country for the visa.
American Working Visa Application Form
This year America is granting 22000 additional working visas for the migrant workers. This is additional to the regular seasonal migrant workers. Every year America enrolls seasonal workers in the agriculture sector.
How to Apply United States Working Visa Application?
There are several types of working visa for USA. The most important thing is that you have to choose the visa according to your experience and qualification. So, sometime wrong category selection result the rejection of visa.
How Can I Apply for Work Permit in USA?
As mentioned above there are different kinds of working visa for USA. So, choose the visa according to your knowledge and skill. Highly skilled manpower has demand in American market. Like doctors and engineers have great opportunity to get work permit in USA.
Beside this you can apply for the unskilled labor in the agriculture sectors.
Industrial Workers Visa
If the one month vacancy announcement cannot fulfill the job vacancy from the domestic market in such case the employer can heir foreigners. The process of these industrial workers is same as other working visa.