Teacher service commission Nepal is going to announce vacancies with new curriculum. Here we have the details about the TSC Nepal New Curriculum 2078.
20000 Vacant Seat for Teachers
TSC Nepal is going to fulfill 20 thousand vacant seat for the community schools teacher. Teacher Service Commission Nepal will announce the advertisement very soon.
New Curriculum with Model Questions
Table of Contents
Here we have the latest curriculum of TSC Nepal. At the end to this article you can find the model questions according to the new curriculum.
TSC Nepal New Curriculum 2078

20000 Vacancies in TSC Nepal
TSC Nepal is planning to announce the vacancy for more than 17000 teachers. Hence it is the right time to get information about the latest curriculum. According to the high level source teacher service commission will open the vacancy very soon.

TSC Nepal License Online form
According to the new provision teaching license is mandatory for the job application. At this moment thousands of candidates are waiting for the teaching license application form. Last time government was planning to conduct license exam but due to several reasons it was not possible.
TSC Nepal Primary Level Mathematics Questions
Geometry: In the chapter you will be asked following types of questions.
- What is the sum of three angles of a triangle?
- Can name some objects in your locality with triangular shape.
- What is the shape of your mathematics book?
- How can you give the concept of basic geometry to the students?
Arithmetic: In Arithmetic the primary level students must know this concept.
- What is the difference between digits and numbers?
- Four basic operations in mathematics.
- Concept of sets
- Operation in decimal numbers and fractions.
- Addition of unlike fraction.
- Concept of perimeter, area and volume.
- How much water a cubical tank with side 1 m hold?
Algebra: Questions on Algebra
- Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of the algebraic expressions. So, questions based on such operation will be asked in TSC exam.
- Simple equation of algebra.
- Basic algebraic simplification.
Well beside this you can find the secondary level new curriculum with model questions in our previous articles. Hence to get all kinds of information about teacher service commission Nepal remain in touch with us.
At the same time if you have any questions about mathematics please send it to us. We will supply the solution to you.