Well in this article today we discuss about TSC Nepal Current Affairs Questions. This TSC Nepal Current Affairs Questions are useful for all levels.
TSC Exam New Format
Table of Contents
Here is the new exam format for teacher service commission Nepal.

TSC Nepal Current Affairs Questions
The teacher service commission Nepal candidates have to face some questions about the fresh thought on education. So it is our attempt to provide the answer of some questions about the current issues on the education thought.

So many reader and fan followers of gbsnote.com are asking for this agenda. Hence to fulfill the demand of our followers are giving this collection of TSC Nepal Current Affairs Questions.
All Subjects Subjective Questions for Primary Level
According to the new curriculum the primary level teacher candidates have to face six subject subjective questions. There are six questions one each from six subjects. Like there is question one long question from each subject of 10 marks. In this way there are 60 marks subjective questions for primary level teacher candidates.
How to make Shikshak Sewa Aayog Answer Effective?
Here are few tips for the effective answer writing skill. Hence to make the answer bold and sound you can use these tips in you writing skill.
- Try to give the answer in points.
- It is not necessary to repeat the same thing while writing the subjective questions answer.
- Try to make your answer compact it means your words in the answer must cover more areas of the questions.
- Allocate the time equally for all questions.
- Never leave the questions unanswered.
- Finally try to make the writing neat and clean.
- Practice to write in the plain sheet of paper as you have to face in the TSC exams.
Beside this there are many articles about the teacher service commission Nepal. Hence we suggest to all the visitors to check our TSC category in gbsnote.com. There you find hundreds of article for Shikshak sewa Aayog examination.
How to Increase Memory Power?
Our many followers complain us that they have poor memory power. At the same time they ask for the tips to increase memory power. So to address all these questions we have prepared an article on the topic How to Increase Memory Power. Instead of repeating all the content over here, we kindly request you all to see the original article. Hope everyone will be benefited from this.
Finally if you have any kind of question about teacher service commission Nepal examinations please contact us. It is easy to contact us. You can simply leave your question in the comment box below. Our team will try to solve it as soon as possible.