TSC Lower Secondary Result

TSC Lower Secondary Result

TSC Lower Secondary Result is now ready. Teacher Service Commission Nepal publishes this online result.

TSC Lower Secondary Result

The result is available in tsc.gov.np. it is the official page of teacher service commission Nepal. Here you can get the online result of lower secondary level.

Online Result

TSC Nepal has already published the teaching license result of lower secondary level. So, looking at the result it is terrible. It is like the job exam result. Nearly twenty percent candidates are able to pass this teaching license exam.

NB: TSC Result for Lower Secondary Level coming soon.

TSC New Curriculum

This is the new curriculum for the written exam. So candidates have to prepare the exam according to this curriculum. Therefore be familiar with this new curriculum.

How to get Result in SMS

TSC result is now available in your mobile phone. You can just follow these steps to get the result in your mobile phone. Basically if you are away from the internet facility in such case it is useful.

Lower Secondary Level Result

Secondary level result is already out. Now it is turn of lower secondary level. According to our analysis TSC must announce the vacancy only in two levels like basic level and secondary level.

There is no more primary and lower secondary level category in schools. Government has already changed this modality but we do not know why teacher service commission is not follow the Nepal government’s decision.

Is TSC Nepal Lower Secondary Result Out

It is the question in the mouth of every teacher service commission candidates. They are expecting the result before this great festival. But the result is not out till the date. Therefore thousands of TSC candidates are panic at this moment.

When will TSC Nepal Result Come

Let us hope that the result will come by next week. But it is not sure. At the same time the TSC Nepal authorized people are quite about it. Hence there is no next option other than wait and see.

Any way we want to express our best wishes to all the TSC candidates for the upcoming result.

Primary Level Result

Just after the lower secondary level result TSC Nepal will publish the result of primary level. In this level also there are thousands of candidates. These are the people who took the second round written exams.

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