Here we have some SEE Result Frequently Asked Questions with answer. So, we hope you will find this article useful and valuable.
SEE Result Frequently Asked Questions
Table of Contents
These are some frequently asked questions about the secondary education exam.

How can I check my SEE result 2077?
SEE online result is available both in websites and SMS mode. So, according to your available facility you can check the SEE online result 2077. Like if you have internet facility you can check the online result via official websites of Nepal government.
Some official sites for SEE Result 2077
How can I check my SEE result 2078?
Actually this year SEE result is SEE 2077. But as the result is going to publish in 2078 people also called it SEE 7078. Hence you can follow the same procedure as that of SEE result 2077.
Is SEE result 2078 published?
The office of the controller of examination is going to publish the SEE result 2078 by August 9 2021. However, if the final mark entry revision overs earlier the result may come before this date.
How can I check my 2077 NEB result online?
National examination board i.e. NEB 2077 online result is in final stage. So just following the above steps you can check your online NEB result. If you feel any difficulty during the result checking process contact us.
How to View SEE Result 2077/2078 via SMS?
- Go to the message box in your mobile phone.
- Create new message.
- Type SEE give space and type exam symbol.
- Send SMS to 1600.
How to get online SEE 2077 result?
Check online SEE 2077 result.
- SEE result via SMS method. Go to message box of your mobile. There type SEE <space> exam symbol number. Send this message to 1600 or 35001.
- Online SEE result via official websites. You can use any official site mentioned as above.
- SEE Result via IVR. You can dial 1600 from land line phone and follow the instruction given there.
How can I check my TU result with Mark Sheet?
Tribhuvan University result is available in its official site.
When will SEE 2078 result publish?
SEE result 2078 is going to publish on or before Shravan 25 2078. For more information, remain with us. We provide daily updates of SEE result in this page.