The curriculum development center Nepal has recently changed the specification grid for SEE optional subjects. Here is SEE Optional Math New Grid.

SEE Optional Math New Grid
Table of Contents
According to the new grid the secondary education exam optional mathematics written paper will be of 75 full marks. The remaining 25 marks will be from internal evaluation. The details about the new grid are as follow.
Additional Mathematics Marks Allocation according to Chapters
Algebra 16 marks |
Limit and Continuity 4 marks |
Matrix 6 marks |
Coordinate Geometry 11 marks |
Trigonometry 15 marks |
Vector 7 marks |
Transformation 8 marks |
Statistics 8 marks |
All the chapters are as it is in the old grid. The only this new grid has changed the weightage of questions. Like in the old grid there were higher ability questions for 5 full marks but now it has reduced to 4 marks. This year SEE students are taught the old curriculum-based text book. The CDC has just reduced the full marks of the question paper no more than that. Â
SEE Exam Routine 2080
Here is the exam routine for SEE exam 2080.
Hope the curriculum development center Nepal will implement the new curriculum from the next academic year.
The time period of the board exam for 75 full marks is same that of 100 full marks pervious years.
Model Questions
CDC has not published the model questions according to the new grid. It will come soon. So as soon as CDC publish the model questions, we will attach it over here.
Internal Evaluation
The 25 marks internal evaluation must be done in the given format. This year there is no new criteria. Just CDC has suggested to follow the pattern of compulsory mathematics. The teachers teaching in class 10 optional mathematics might not have given any project work or practical job. Hence it is a big question for the teachers to evaluate the class 10 students.
Pros and Cons of Internal Evaluation in Optional Mathematics
According to the existing letter grading system students must secure A plus both in written exam and internal evaluation. Hence for the sharp students to secure A plus grade might be challenging it is because they must secure minimum 68 out of 75 full marks.
But for the average students it is a big privilege. It is because if they just got pass mark in written but secure good marks in internal evaluation then over all grade will be better compared to 100 full marks paper.
How to Prepare SEE Exam for Optional Mathematics
It is a common question among the SEE appearing students. There is no unique method to prepare SEE exam papers. But we are giving you some common tips.
- Collect all the required formula
- Prepare the list and paste it in your study room
- Give emphasis for the unique questions
- Discuss among your friends
- Try to solve problems for your friends this will strength your confidence level.
- Make regular study
- Revise the text regularly
SEE Model Questions is a good hub for SEE students. We have lots of free resources for SEE students. Similarly, we give online plate form for the students. Like if you are unable to solve any mathematical questions then send it to us our team will reply the questions within one working day.
How to Write SEE Answer Book Cover Page
We have discussed in length with cover page picture. Hence students can get easy but important tips to fill the cover page of SEE answer sheet. This will obviously increase the confidence level for secondary education examination students.
Finally, the author of this article is the mathematics teacher. Hence if you have any question on SEE optional mathematics then send your question via our contact us page.
At this moment we would like to express our best wishes to all the SEE students for this year.