The state government offers thousands of work permit visa for foreigners every year. Here we give complete guide on “How to Apply Work Visa in USA?”
Online Application Form

US Working Visa Job Eligibility
Table of Contents
It is easy and simple to make online application for the work permit job in America. The department of labor is always looking for the eligible candidates to full fill the labor demand. USA itself is undergoing acute shortage of labor in different sectors. In this manual we give you the step-by-step process for work visa job in United States of America.
How to Apply Work Visa in USA?
Read the article till the end to get the complete guide for online work visa application for USA.
How to Submit Online Job Application?
If you are the migrant worker then you must have job offer letter to apply for working visa. This is H1B visa for USA. Only the individuals having work permit are allowed to live and work in USA. Here are the steps for job application.
- First of all, create your job application account in the official job site of USA
- Upload your documents soft copy
- Give your work experience
- Attach your bio data with cover letter
The job site owner will inform you when ever the appropriate job according to your knowledge and qualifications are available in the American labor market. Now your job enrollment begins from here. It is the starting point of your work permit visa eligibility.
High Demand Jobs in USA
- Seasonal workers
- Skilled workers
- Unskilled workers
The state government is looking for all kinds of manpower from abroad. Hence it is your obligation to select the employment area according to your interest and experience.
Seasonal Working Visa Jobs
This is temporary working visa for USA. The seasonal working visa holder are allowed to work for one season only. It is about six months period. The seasonal workers have to work in the specified area for the specific time only. Then they have to return back to home country. Similarly, this seasonal working visa is one time visa in your life. Same person cannot go to USA under seasonal working visa next time.
Skilled Workers Visa
This is skilled jobs visa. Basically, the skilled workers like doctors, nurses, engineers etc. are eligible to apply for skilled workers’ visa.
Factory Worker Job in USA
Similar to the seasonal working visa job. There is opportunity to work in factory in USA. Once the factory management team is unable to full fill the vacant seat from the American labor market then they are allowed by the department of labor to heir the workers from abroad. In such case the foreigners can apply for the factory worker’s job.
What you find more in this article?
The answer to the question, how to apply immigrant visa in USA. The eligible citizens around the world can apply for permanent resident in America. Here are the criteria for the online immigrant visa application.
How to Apply for Student Visa in USA
Millions of students around the world are studying in USA. So, if you are the fresh student who has completed the high school or under graduation course from your home country then you can apply for student visa in USA. However, it will be supportive if you have completed any English test course.
How to Apply Canada Visa from USA
Are you currently living in USA under temporary visa? Well, then you can apply for the Canada visa from USA. There are certain norms for the visa application. Get more details from the official website of the state government.
How to Apply DV Lottery from USA
People living in USA can apply for the DV lottery. No doubt you must be the citizen of the DV lottery eligible nations. Luckly if you are selected for the dv lottery then you can face the visa interview in America itself. No need to go back to your country.
More details about diversity visa lottery you can read from our previous articles.
How to Apply Visit Visa for USA
You need good travel history if you are wishing to visit USA as a tourist. Similarly, you need handsome amount in your bank account to support your journey to America. Basically, people from south Asian country have less chance to get tourist visa in USA because they have very low per capita income.
How to Apply American Visa from India
There are millions of Indian people currently living in USA. Naturally the Indian people have desire to migrate America. So, this article may help this group of people to learn general ideas about immigration visa for Indian to America.
How to Submit USA Online Visa Application
DS 160 is non immigration visa application form for USA. You can fill this form from the official website of American government. It is easy and simple to fill this form. Just find the authentic website and complete the online form.
How to get Permanent Visa for USA
The government of USA provides two kinds of visas. One is temporary visa and other permanent visa. This temporary visa holders can live and work in USA only for the specific time period while the permanent visa holders can live and work indefinitely. However, they must renew the visa periodically.
How to get Business Visa in USA?
Financially strong investors can apply for business visa in USA. The group or individuals must meet the minimum requirements of the government to start the business in America. Get more details from the official page of the state government.
We are simply sharing the basic ideas about the working visa jobs in USA. At the same time, it is the duty and obligation of the interested candidates to explore more about it.
We are not the agent to enroll migrant workers for abroad employment. Similarly, we are not the part of any manpower company.
Just basic information about the abroad jobs we share in pages.