The national examination board has published the SEE examination schedule 2080 2081. It consists of all the details of the secondary education examination for 2081.

The SEE examination board has published the Exam Centers for SEE exam 2080. Get the Details from this article.
SEE Exam Center for Kaski
There are altogether 10223 candidates for SEE this year from Kaski district. Here is the exam center details for Gandaki Boarding School Lamachaur.

SEE Examination Schedule 2080
Table of Contents
The examination form filling part is now almost over. There were so many rumors that there will not be board level exam for SEE students. But finally, NEB is now ready to conduct the SEE exam 2080 in the month of Chaitra. Hence SEE students must not in confusion about the SEE board exam.
According to NEB SEE 2080 will begins from the first week of Chaitra 2080. The exam routine is yet to come. As soon as the examination board publishes the routine, we will update it over here. Beside this if you have any question about the exam then you can contact us. Use the contact details from the contact page of our website.
SEE Exam Routine 2080
The SEE board exam for 2080 will start from the second week of Chaitra. The detail routine will come by Magh month. Here we will attach the exam routine for the information of the students.
How to write SEE Exam
It is national level board exam. The answer book has a cover page. Students must not write at the back of the answer cover page. Similarly leave about one inch margin in the left side of the answer page. Express your answer with neat and clean handwriting. Always use ink pen to write the exam. Do not use correction pen in the answer book. These are some basic but very useful tips to write the SEE exam paper.
We have one separate article in this topic with image of answer book. Hence you can collect more information from our previous article.
SEE Exam Tips
Some time students are found panic. They are worried about the exam. It is not necessary to be worried that much. Simply take it as your school level exams. Like the exams of previous class. If you go in that way then your SEE exam will be fine.
Some tips for SEE Students
- Collect all the necessary stationery items with your entrance card
- Report the exam center in time
- Take some energetic items in your breakfast
- Try to attempt all questions
- Do not leave any question unanswered
- Write even one or two sentences if you do not know the exact answer
How to Fill the Cover Page
It is very important to fill the details in the cover page. The important part is your exam symbol number. Write the exam symbol number both in number and words clearly. Fill all the details clearly. There is one space for examiner signature. It is not for student. It is for teacher who check your exam paper. Some time students get confused in such cases.
We have a demo on how to write the cover page of SEE exam. So interested can check it from our previous articles. There we have explained in details with image.
How to prepare SEE Exam
It is a question in the mind of every student. Therefore, we are trying to answer this question from our level. Divide the 24-hour time evenly for all the subjects. Never ignore any subject during the exam preparation. Make regular practice for mathematics. It requires daily practice. Keep all the formula and other important relations fresh in your mind. Do not remain for the late study. It is wise to wake up early in the morning rather than to remain late night.
We have bundle of SEE practice questions for all subjects. Hence students can check from our previous articles.
Finally, we would like to wish very good luck to all the SEE 2080 students for their grand success in the upcoming board exam.