SEE 2076 New Exam Routine has published. So the students can get the SEE 2076 New Exam Routine from this page.

SEE 2076 New Exam Routine
Table of Contents
Finally the national examination board Nepal published the revised time table for the suspended SEE 2076 exam. The SEE 2076 was scheduled for Chaitra 6 to 18. But due to COVID 19 i.e. coronavirus the exam was suspended for indefinite time period.
Right after one month the examination board is able to publish the new routine for the SEE 2076 exam.
SEE 2076 Revised Time Table
The students were waiting for the new exam routine. Now it is time for all the SEE students to be concentrated for the exam preparation as the new routine has now published. At the same time the teaching learning activities of all other classes will also be normal now onwards.
NEB Class 11 and Class 12 Exam
The examination board of Nepal has suspended the classes 11 and 12 board until the next notice. So the students are in panic mood at this moment about their exam.
Cambridge University A Level Exam
Due to pandemic of COVID 19 this year Cambridge University has decided not to conduct written and practical exams. Instead of this Cambridge is going to award the grades of different subjects with the recommendation of the respective subject teachers.
So looking at this will the national examination board Nepal follows the same pattern for the secondary education exam i.e. SEE exam.
Class 11 and Class 12 Exams
At this moment the national examination board Nepal has suspended the board exams for both class 11 and class 12 till the next notice. This will certainly affect the academic calendar of schools as well as universities.
What can be the Modality of SEE 2076 Exam?
It is now a hot issue about the secondary education exam 2076. It has already been a month delay compared to previous years SEE exams. Similarly the government does not want to collapse one academic year. So in such case it is now very hard to publish the SEE if the examination board goes as usual.
Hence it is now time to rethink about the modality of the SEE 2076 exam so that students can start their class 11 study in normal schedule.
On the other hand the country is in lock down condition. There cannot any compromise with the health of the people in the country. Therefore in such situation government must put forward very impressive as well as wise plan for this year SEE exam.
Internal Evaluation instead of Board Exam
Like the Cambridge University A level exam the national examination board can ask the concerned school about the internal evaluation of the students. Looking at this the examination board can prepare the result of SEE exam.
Is it Justice to Evaluate the Students with their Class Ten Performance?
In our opinion it is not justice to evaluate the SEE students with their class ten third term exam. It is because there were in big rush during the third term exam. In some cases their all subjects’ text might not have over.
On the other hand students get enough time to revise the lesson after the third term exam. This revision certainly improves their knowledge and skill. Hence if we just evaluate the students with their third term exam it will not be justice.