SEE 2076 Internal Evaluation Format has published. So here we give the details about the internal evaluation of the 2076 SEE students.

SEE 2076 Internal Evaluation Format
Table of Contents
The office of the controller has planned to conduct the secondary education exam for 2076 by Chaitra 6 2076. But at the last moment government postponed the SEE exam due to corona virus. Initially the exam was just postponed indefinitely but at last government is compelled to withhold the exam.
Basis for the Internal Grades for SEE students
Now the students and parents are panic. At this time the school and teachers are sole responsible for the evaluation of the students. It will not be justice for the students if school or their teachers make very surficial judgment.
During the lockdown period students are with parents. So they were in core revision of the SEE course. Hence certainly these groups of student will do better than their school third term exam. The government has prepared a code of conduct how to prepare the internal evaluation.
Challenge for the Schools Used as Quarantine
Basically in the terai belt schools are now used as quarantine so it is hard to get the official records from office. In such situation it is hard to prepare the final marks for the SEE students. Similarly on the other hand in Province 2 it is learnt that they had not conducted even the third term exam.
Karaybidhi of Nepal government for the SEE students
According to this Karaybidhi the internal evaluation is based on first term second term and third term exams. The detail of this evaluation system is given below.
SEE Internal Evaluation
It is the first time in the history of Nepal that secondary education exam the then SLC exam result is based on internal evaluation. There were many incidents where the board exam was postponed but it is the first time that exam is withheld.
In so many schools there was third term exam so in such condition it is hard to find the way out for the final evaluation of the students.
SEE 2076 Exam Result
This year there will be no supplementary exam. Similarly there will be no retotaling and rechecking of the written copy. Most probably SEE 2076 result will come in the second week of Shravan 2077.
Finally we would like to wish you all very good luck for your class 11 and class 12 studies.