It is the question in the mind of every student about the fine presentation in the exams. Here we discuss on how to write SEE exam perfectly.
SEE Exam Routine
Table of Contents
This is SEE Chance Exam Routine for 2081. This year all the failure examinees are going to take the Chance Exam. Get the details of this retake exam routine attached here.

Optional Math New Grid
This the new grid implemented by NEB for SEE students.

How to Write SEE Exam Perfectly
The presentation plays a vital role for the good score in the board exams. Such board exams are little different then intra school exams. It is because the school’s internal exams are highly affected by the student’s behaviors.
Tips for SEE Exam Appearing Students
- Answer that question which you can do the best among all questions.
- Never make the cover page and first few pages of the answer book.
- Such rough works at the beginning of the answer sheet gives negative impact to the examiners
- The answering style may differ from students to students but the fact will be the same
- In language subjects try to make your writing neat and tidy
- It is equally important for mathematics as well
How to Strat SEE Mathematics Paper
Some how mathematics is challenging subject for the students. The SEE exam result gives the evidence for this issue. Hence it is important for the students while writing the SEE exam mathematics paper. The author is also a mathematics teacher. Therefore, you can individually consult your problem related to mathematics subjects. Just leave your question in the comment box at the end of this article.
Additional Mathematics SEE Exam Questions
In the past it was optional mathematics. Now it is called additional mathematics. Recently the Nepal government and the curriculum development center has changed the additional mathematics specification grid. According to the new grid there will be 25 marks internal evaluation of the students. They will be writing 75 marks exam paper in secondary education exam. However, this 75-mark paper will also be of 180 minutes.
SEE Optional Mathematics Model Questions
In the previous grid there were total 38 questions it is now dropped to 33. Similarly in the old grid there were question of 1,2,4 and 5 marks question but now it is 1,2,3 and 4 marks only. The new specification grid is attached in the page.
Internal Evaluation Criteria
The internal evaluation consists of 25 percent in most of the subjects. However, it is 50 for computer science. The 25 marks has been divided in the following ways.
Class participation 3 marks
Practical and Project work 16 marks
Term exams 6 marks
In this way the internal evaluation of the SEE students will be over.
The internal evaluation tools for Additional mathematics will be same as compulsory mathematics. It is given in a note by curriculum development center specification grid for additional mathematics.
SEE Optional Math Questions Bank
We are going to provide the question bank for the students on the basis of chapters. In optional mathematics for class 10 there are 8 chapters. We will give the question collection for each chapter individual. Similar, these questions will be categorized in different groups. Like group A very short questions. Group B will be short questions. In group C there will be long questions. Finally, group D will consist of higher ability questions.
Conclusion: Dear SEE students if you have any question on any subject then you can contact us. We have group of teachers teaching all the subjects in the secondary level. You may not believe for this free service but we have been providing this service to the SEE students for several years. Hence you can check it yourself for the reliability of our service.
Finally, we would like to express our best wishes to all the SEE appearing students. At the same time, we suggest all the SEE students that beside your knowledge the SEE exam answer paper presentation also keep vital role for the student’s evaluation. There for get the knowledge about How to Write SEE Exam Perfectly