Grade Five Science Practice Questions

grade five science

These are the questions for grade five science. It covers the curriculum given by government of Nepal. In grade five, science is one of the important subjects. Grade five science students find it very useful.

Group – A (Objective)

  1. Fill in the blanks:
  • Seeds of cotton are dispersed by __________
  • Ants and bees are _________ insects.
  • The movement of animals from one place to another is called __________
  • Whales and dolphins breathe through __________
  • A mountain with an opening through, which lava comes up from below the earth’s surface is called a ________________
  1. State whether true or false for each statement:
  • Air does not occupy space. _________________
  • Petrol is a valuable mineral oil found in rocks underground. ________
  • Bones in the wrist is an example of an immovable joint. ________
  • Reading in dim light is very useful to the eyes. __________
  • The best method of cooking food is roasting __________
  • Protozoa are multi celled organisms. ___________
  • An inclined plane is a smooth plane inclined at an angle more than 900. ______
  • In steam engines heat energy is converted to chemical energy. _______
  • Clothes protect us from heat only. ___________
  • Gumboots are made of flax materials. _________
  1. Match the following:
  • Androecium                          catapult
  • Nylon                                       female reproductive part
  • Gynoecium                             Artificial fiber
  • Linen                                       Male reproductive part
  • Elastic energy                        natural fiber
  •                                                   sun
  1. Give one example of each of the following:
  • Sedimentary rock ____________________-
  • A source of energy ___________________
  • First class lever _____________________
  • Fungus _____________________
  • Amphibious animal ________________

Group ‘B’ (Subjective)

  1. Define:
  • Air pollution
  • Ore
  • Microbes
  • Simple machines
  1. Write a difference between:
  • Self-pollination and cross pollination
  • Monocot, seed and dicot seed.
  • Terrestrial animal and aquatic animal.
  • Crust and mantle.
  • Solar eclipse and lunar eclipse.
  1. Answer the following questions:
  • State the names of any 4 rare gases in the air.
  • Write 2 functions of bones.
  • How will you take care of your skin? (Give any 2 points only)
  • Why do we cook the food?
  • Write at least 2 harmful activities of microorganisms.
  • With the help of an example, explain how sound is a form of energy.
  • Why do we wear cotton clothes in the host season?
  • How can woolen clothes be protected against insect?
  • What is a biomass? Which gas is produced form it?
  • What are the uses of pulley?
  1. Describe an experiment to prove that air exerts pressure. (Mention material required, method, observation and conclusion)
  2. Draw a neat figure of ear and label any 4 parts in it.

Set II

Group ‘A’

  1. Fill in the blanks:
  • Animals which do not have backbone are called____________.
  • The body of pisces is covered with _________________.
  • Cell wall is made up of a non-living substance called ___________.
  • ____________ stage is voracious stage of the life cycle of the butterfly.
  • In gram, _____________ root system is found.
  • Those things which cannot prepare their own food by themselves are called ________.
  • ___________ is the thickest layer of the earth.
  • Communication within a person is called __________
  • ___________ is known as red planet.
  • ___________ is the cloud which remains high in the sky.
  1. Tick the correct & cross (X) the false statements:
  • Improved cooking stove produces less smoke.
  • Gorkhapatra is a means of inter personal communication.
  • Solar eclipse occurs on a full moon day.
  • Heat of the sun is the factor that brings changes on the earth’s surface.
  • All the planets of the solar system have satellites.
  • About three-fourth of the earth’s surface is covered with water.
  • Solar energy is the renewable source of energy.
  • Stratus cloud looks like cauliflower.
  • Meteorologists do not know how the weather is going on changing.
  • Gum is one of the useful substances excreted by some plants.
  1. Match the following:            
  • Lion                                   Natural resource
  • Apple                                Magnetic substance
  • Sugarcane                        Hottest layer
  • Maani                                Satellite
  • Chlorophyll                      Weather
  • Meteorologist                  Green leaves
  • Moon                                Janto
  • Magma                             Monocotyledon plant
  • Nickel                               Dicotyledon plant
  • Afforestation                   Carnivorous
  1. Write the appropriate words:
  • Any two sources of renewable sources of energy are ____________ & __________.
  • Any two examples of Arthopods phylum are _____________ & _______.
  • Two local technologies found in our community are ___________ & _________.
  • Any two plants having fibrous root system are ________ & _________.
  • Any two means of mass communication are _________ & _________

Group ‘B’

  1. Answer the following questions:
  • What is meant by ‘Smokeless Chulo’ mean? Write its one advantage.
  • What is computer? How is it used for communication?
  • What is solar eclipse? When does it occur?
  • Define solar system. Write the name of all the planets of solar system.
  • Name any four factors that bring changes on the earth’s surface.
  • Define water cycle. How clouds are formed?
  • What is energy crisis? Name any two sources of energy which have limited stock in nature.
  • Define sublimation with an example.
  • Write any two methods of protection & conservation of sources of water.
  • Write any two disadvantages of forest fire.
  • How energy  transferred from herbivorous to carnivorous animal?
  • What is soil pollution? Name any two things for which human being depend on soil.
  1. Give reason for the following “Grade Five Science Statements”

  • Apple is an autotropic in nature but mould is a heterotropic.
  • Generally people in rural areas use Dhiki & Janto even today.
  • Life cannot exist on moon.
  • Weather forecasting is very important for us.
  • We should discourage the use of chemical fertilizer.

3. Differentiate the following by 2/2 points:

  • Dhiki & Janto.
  • Solar eclipse & lunar eclipse
  • Crust & core
  • Breathing & respiration.
  • Renewable source of energy & non-renewable source of energy.

4.Draw a well labeled diagram of lunar eclipse to show the umbra & penumbra. Also write one point of difference between umbra & penumbra. (4+1)

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