GBS Plus Two Entrance Exam

GBS plus two

GBS plus two entrance exam is based on three subjects. The questions for entrance exam are from grade ten text. Gandaki Boarding School is the first plus two in Nepal. It is the first plus two of science in Nepal. The government introduce plus two systems in the decade of 90’s. Before the plus two system introduced in Nepal the college study used to beings from intermediate level. After many years of plus two system came in practice Tribhuvan university phase out the certificate level.

There are three sections in GBS plus two classes . Each section consists of 36 students. Each year one hundred and eight students got chance to study GBS plus two. The student’s enrollment in grade eleven begins soon after the publication of SLC result. When the office of controller of examination publishes the SLC result GBS announces form for grade 11. Nearly twenty percent students who apply the form for grade eleven get the seat in GBS .

The student’s admission is based on entrance exam. The GBS plus two entrance exam consists of three subjects Mathematics, Science and English. In Science there are three different papers for physics, chemistry and biology. The result of the entrance exam publishes as soon as possible.

The result is based on two statuses of the students via boarders and day student. The border students list and day students list are prepared separately. It seems that the probability of students to get chance in GBS seems to be more in boarders’ category.

GBS Plus Two Rank in Nepal

According to the evaluation made by many organizations of Nepal GBS is always in the top rank. The result of plus two is nearly hundred percent every year. There is a good facility of library and labs for the students. Students are from many districts of Nepal. The charm of GBS plus to is growing every year.

This year also GBS will announces the form for grade eleven after the result of SLC. will inform all the students and parents about the grade eleven entrance exams. For more information about GBS you can log on the official website of Gandaki Boarding School.

Finding the appropriate plus two college for the students is being challenging year by year. Few plus twos of student’s choice has limited seats. So finding right plus two for suitable students is being harder and harder. Some plus two schools are in unhealthy competition in the market.

Students should be aware of this. If you are not able to make correct decision in time it may be difficult to strengthen your carrier. Choose the faculty which you like the most. Make choice according to your desire rather than parents pressure. Do your best in your desired faculty.

Joining science is not everything but studying well in your faculty keeps more importance in your life. Every faculty is important in their field. People think that studying science is the best. It is true to some extent. In the same way several other faculties have more scope in your life. So do your best whatever you study.

We would like to suggest all the students to make concrete decision about their plus two study in time. Sometime students are found making decision according to their SLC grade. It is also not much better. Rather than your SLC performance your burning desire works much for your further study. Best of luck to you all for your plus two carrier.

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