DV Result 2021 Postponed by one month. According to the notice given by the state government the DV 2021 result will publish by June 6.

DV Result 2021 Postponed
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Finally the state government is not able to publish the DV result in its stipulated date. Probably the pandemic of COVID 19 compelled the state government to change the dv result date.
There was rumor about the new date of dv result. Finally the Donald Trump government shift the DV result date by one month.
EDV 2021 Result with Name and Address
Here you can find the name list of DV winners for the year 2021. It might be the first time that the American government is not able to publish the diversity visa lottery result in its stated date. Now the world is suffering from corona virus. Basically America is hardly affected by this virus.
So due to this reason this year dv lottery result is coming by one month late.
DV Winners of 2020
Nepal is in lock down condition for more than five weeks. The only international airport of Nepal that is Tribhuvan International Airport is closed now. At the same time the American embassy in Nepal is also closed.
Hence there is no chance for the visa interview for the dv lottery winners. The next group which has already got the visa is not able to fly USA due to lock down in the country. So this has brought panic situation to the family of dv lottery 2020 winners.
DV Winners of 2021 Interview Date
According to the bureau of consular affairs the DV lottery winners of 2021 will not be affected by the result publication delay. The source claims that rest of the things for the dv lottery winners will be as usual.
EDV Result 2021 Postponed
DV Result 2021 Postponed! Oh! Shit. This might be the reaction of dv applicants after reading this news.
This notice certainly makes the dv lottery applicants disappointed however there is no option for them besides waiting June 6. Any way finally we would like to express our best wishes to all the dv applicants of 2021.