This is national examination board news portal. So, you can find the NEB Class 12 New Routine in this page.
Updated Exam Routine
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It is the latest updated routine of class 12. Students can get it from this page.

Class 12 New Routine
Nepal government is providing vaccine to all the class 12 students above 18 years. As soon as the vaccination program will over there will be physical presence board exam for grade 12.
Class 12 Exam Updated Routine
It is the updated exam time table for class 12. Initially class 12 exams were scheduled in Baishak. Later on it was postponed to Shravan. But at the last moment examination board postponed the exam until further notice.
You will get the latest exam routine in this page. Hence remain in this page for the further notices of national examination board Nepal.
NEB Latest Notice
National examination board is planning to publish the exam routine soon. The board is not going to evaluate the students with reference to class 11 performance. There will be written exam with the physical presence of students in the respective home centers.
When will be class 12 exams?
The government has suggested the national examination board to be ready for the class 12 exam. NEB is in ready position to conduct the exam. Questions have already been prepared. Similarly, answer books are already dispatched to the districts. Hence it is easy task for NEB to carry out class 12 exam.
Is Class 12 Exam Schedule Published?
The examination board is working to publish the exam routine. According to the source, as soon as all the class 12 students get the vaccine there will be written exam in the respective home centers.
Home Centers for Class 12 Exam
Students can appear the written exam from their respective schools. Each school is the exam center. However the schools must have CC camera in each class room. Similarly, there must be internet facility in the school to print the questions.