Nepali Girls Name Starting with S

Nepali Girls Name Starting with S

Here is the list of Nepali Girls Name Starting with S. if you have newly born girl baby chose the best name for her.

Nepali Girls Name Starting with S

This year Nepali girl’s name starting with S is trending. The list of trending name is given below.

Name Meaning
Sabina                             Nepali Musical instrument          
Sabita                              Beautiful sunshine
Sabnam                          Dew  
Sachi                               Wife of God Indra
Sachika                            Kind
Sachina                            Please advise us the meaning of this name.  
Sachita                            Consciousness        
Sadhya                             Perfection
Sadikshya                      Good wishes           
Safia                                Chaste

Some more Nepali girls name starting with S. in Nepal the girl’s name starting with s is very famous. So here we give more names with stating letter S.

Sagari                             Of the ocean          
Sagarika             Wave; Born in the ocean           
Saguna; Sagun   Possessed of good qualities 
Sahana               A raga           
Sahara                support
Sahiba                 Please advise us the meaning of this name.          
Saisha                    Childhood
Sajala                  Clouds          
Sajina                     very happy mood
Sajni                        Your beloved one
Sajwal                Please advise us the meaning of this name.          
Sakshi                     Please advise us the meaning of Sakshi.     
Salima                Happy and glad

Interesting Name Starting with S

In the next article we will discuss the names starting from A to Z. but for the moment we have list of name with starting letter S.

Salina                  In Greek, it means “Moon goddess”.  
Salini; Shalini           Modest         
Salma                  Peace
Saloni; Salouni        Woman full of Love
Salouni; Saloni        The Queen of Lies and love less woman   
Salvika                 Full of Humor         
Samapada               natural Wealth       
Sambridhi          Prosperity   
Sameena                   Happy and glad     
Samiksha              Analysis; Appraisal and final discussion on issue
Samikshya         Cute and beautiful and full of love

If you have any creative name with its meaning, please suggest us so that we can update our list.

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