TSC Nepal Secondary Level Curriculum has published. Teacher service commission Nepal has recently published the TSC Nepal Secondary Level Curriculum.

Are you looking for TSC curriculum? Here we give the details of the new curriculum 2076.
TSC Nepal Secondary Level Curriculum
Table of Contents
The second phase TSC Nepal secondary level exam curriculum has published. Here we give the details of all subject curriculums. Teacher service commission has recently changed the curriculum for open competition candidates.
Hence we encourage all the TSC candidates to go through this article.
TSC Nepal Secondary Level Curriculum
As you know that only the successful candidates of first phase general papers are eligible to take the second phase subject wise exam. In the past there was no such provision. So looking at the current curriculum it shows that TSC will be able to select smart teacher in each subject.
Secondary Level Science Curriculum
Unit 1: Teaching Physics
1.1. Measurement: Physical quantities, SI units, fundamental and derived units.
1.2. Force, Energy and Power:
Momentum, relation among velocity, acceleration, displacement and time. Newton’s laws of motion, Newton’s law of gravitation and acceleration due to gravity.
weight, mass, free fall and weightlessness, kinetic and potential energy, sources of energy, work and power.
1.3. Pressure
Concept of pressure, atmospheric pressure, liquid pressure, Archimedes’ Principle, Pascal’s law, law of floatation.
1.4. Heat, Optics and Sound: Heat and temperature, thermometers, specific heat capacity, reflection and refraction of light.
Refractive index, total internal reflection, concave and convex lenses and formation of image through lenses.
Defects of vision, optical instruments, sound waves, sources of sound, reflection and refraction of sound, loudness, pitch and velocity.
1.5. Electricity Magnetism:
Electric circuit, Ohm’s law, conductivity, resistivity, molecular theory of magnet.
Magnetic lines of force, geomagnetism, motor effect. Potential difference, series and parallel combinations of load and cell, house wiring, electric consumption, transformer, electric motor, dynamo and generator.
The detail of all subjects curriculum is available in the official website of teacher service commission Nepal.
Model Questions on New Curriculum
Here are the model questions for first general paper for the secondary level teachers. These questions are prepared by the subject experts of the respective subjects.
TSC Nepal Curriculum of Nepali
Here we have the second phase exam for the Nepali subject. So the candidates can get the detail knowledge of the curriculum from this article.
Similarly you can get the online curriculum of all other subjects just taping the above link.