Here we provide the easy way to watch Live NTV in Mobile from UAE Saudi Arabia and Malaysia. There is millions of Nepali in UAE, Saudi Arabia and Malaysia. So they are always eager to know more about Nepal.

Live Nepal Television Comedy Programs in your Mobile Phone
Table of Contents
Nepal Television has many informative and entertaining programs. Our Nepali brothers and sisters can enjoy these programs in their mobile phone. So to get the complete knowledge about it please read the article to the end.
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Hence to fulfill this desire here we give the easy steps to watch Nepal Television live broad cast from these countries.
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As mention above we always feel lonely in abroad. At the same time the memory of the country and villages comes again and again in our mind. So in such case we can relax our mind just watching NTV in our mobile phone. Hence for this you have to download application in your mobile phone to watch live Nepal Television.
Live NTV in Mobile from UAE Saudi Arabia and Malaysia
It is hard to find Nepali channels in these countries. Our Nepali brothers and sisters are always missing Nepal and Nepali culture in abroad. So to entertain them in such situation our Nepal Television programs can be a milestone.
Now here are the steps to watch live Nepal Television from abroad.
- First of all download expressvpn app in your mobile phone from app store or play store.
- Now next you need either prabhu TV or net TV mobile apps.
- You can now open the VPN app with Nepal location in your mobile phone.
- Now tap on open start Free Trail in the VPN app.
- In the location choose Nepal.
- So now you can run the prabhu TV or net TV apps to watch live Nepali channels in your mobile phone.
During this process if you have any confusion please leave your questions in the comment box below. Our expert’s team will soon try to solve your problems.
Similarly we have been providing the information about aboard jobs in this site.