We have Teacher service commission Nepal result. Here we have TSC Nepal General Paper Result details.
Shikshak Sewa Aayog Natija
Table of Contents

We have the result details at the end of this article.
EDV Result with Name List

TSC Nepal Primary Result
The primary level first paper result is coming next week. We will provide the result in this page.
Lower Secondary Result
TSC Nepal lower secondary level will come before the primary level. Hence you are close to the lower secondary level result.
TSC Nepal General Paper Result
There was no such system in the past. Teacher commission Nepal has introduced this system of general paper from this year itself. Obviously it will reduce the load for Shikshak Sewa Aayog for the result publication.
TSC License New Curriculum
TSC has published new curriculum for Teaching license.
It is because candidates unable to get pass mark in the general paper are not eligible to write the subjective exam.
General Paper Secondary Level Result
All the questions in the general paper are objective. Similarly the answer sheet is machine readable. Hence it will not take long time for the result. Probably within two weeks from the exam date TSC will be able to publish the result.
As soon as the Teacher Commission Nepal publishes the result we will make it available here.
Lower Secondary General Paper Result
There is no lower secondary level in the school level. There are only two levels basic level and secondary level. Classes one to eight is basic level and classes 9 to 12 is called secondary level.
But the government is still calling the vacancy under secondary, lower secondary and primary.
The lower secondary level general paper was held in 17 of Chaitra 2078.
TSC Nepal may produce the result in the first week of next month.
Primary Level General Paper Result
It is now obligatory to all the candidates of teacher service commission Nepal to pass the general paper exam. If you are not able to get fifty percent in this general paper then you are not allow to sit for the main exam.
The main exam will be subjective exam. It means here you have to write long answer of the questions. To minimize the over crowed in the subjective exam TSC has made this new provision.
According to the examinee of the TSC Nepal exam the general paper is very hard. It means very few people can get the pass mark in this paper.
So if you are TSC candidates and have done well in the general paper then it might be the golden opportunity for you.
There are few competitors in the main exam.
Finally we would like to express our best wishes to all the TSC Nepal candidates from all over the country.
NB: You will notify our visitors and reader about the general paper exam result via this page. Hence be in touch with us for all kinds of information and notices about Shikshak sewa Aayog Nepal.