Top 10 Highest Paying Saudi Arabia Jobs

Top 10 Saudi Arabia Jobs

Here is the list of top 10 Saudi Arabia jobs. Top 10 Saudi Arabia jobs include many skilled jobs. The payment of these top 10 Saudi Arabia jobs is very handsome.

So people from the world are attracted toward these top 10 Saudi Arabia jobs. We have already discussed about these top 10 Saudi Arabia jobs in our previous articles as well. Therefore we talk about these jobs in brief in this article.

Top 10 Saudi Arabia Jobs

# Medical Professionals

Among the various best paid jobs in KSA medical professional job is in top level. These medical professional gets very handsome salary with attractive allowance. They get new car with driver.

Medical professional gets smart accommodation. Similarly they get abroad visits skims. There is two months paid leave for the medical professionals in kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

# Petroleum Engineers

The next attractive job in Saudi is petroleum engineers. Nearly they get US dollar 30000 per month. The main income of the country is the petroleum export. So the country generates huge amount of revenue for petroleum exports. Therefore there is good scope of engineers.

Similar to the doctors engineers also get smart accommodation and handsome salary. On the top of these the extra hour allowance is also very good for engineers.

There are employees of several countries in Saudi Arabia. As there are thousands of multinationals companies in KSA the demand of workers is also encouraging.

# English Subject Teacher

Saudi people speak Arabian as their mother tongue. But in the recent days the craze of English language is increasing. So, Saudi people hire English language from foreign nations. .Therefore the demand of English teacher is high is Saudi Arabia. The salary and other physical facilities are also encouraging for English language teacher.

# Star Hotel Managers

There are many luxurious hotels in Saudi Arabia. The owner of these hotels wants to hire young and energetic people from the world. Hence the well-educated and experienced people can go to KSA for better job opportunity.

# Banks CEO and Managers

There are thousands of commercial banks and financial institutions. In comparison to the demand of skill worker the supply from the country is less. Hence there is always deficit of skilled labor in the market.

So there is good opportunity for the foreign nationals for better jobs. On the other hand there is less opportunity for female for education. This also reduces the supply of skill workers in the market.

Other Best Paying Saudi Arabia Jobs 

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