Things to Carry While Travelling to USA

Things to Carry While Travelling to USA

Either you are visitor or students does not matter. You must not miss these things to Carry While Travelling to USA.  

Work Permit Job in USA

Here is the online job application process for USA. Just take a short tour and learn more about it.

Travelling to USA as a Student

In the recent days there is high flow of students from Nepal to America. There are several reasons behind it. We will be discussing in this issue in our next article. Today let us focus on material you have to carry while travelling to United States of America.

Foreign Students Accommodation in USA

There are two ways for the foreign students to accommodate in America. Either they have to stay in hostel or they have to manage self-accommodation outside the college.

Hostel life in American Universities

In comparison to the self-accommodation in the appartement the hostel living is costly. Hence the students from developing nations used to live in a group in an apartment. This living is of course cheap than the hostel fee. Therefore, according to the food habits, you must carry utensils from your home country.

Things to Carry While Travelling to USA

Like students from Nepal need to carry pressure cooker to cook rice, pulses and mutton. The cost of pressure cooker is very high in America compared to the domestic market.

Bedding for the Apartment

The facilities of the apartments differ from state to states in America. However, the owner of the apartment provides basic furniture and kitchen wares like fridge, induction oven, washing machine etc.

There will be wooden bed with mattress but you have to carry your blanket and pillows yourself.

Mobile SIM Card

The university provides the SIM card for the cell phone to the new students. Hence the foreign students need not to move here and there to get the mobile SIM card. However, it takes couple of days to activate.

Internet in the Apartment

The owner of the apartment provides the free Wi-Fi. The cost of internet is included in the rent of the house. Similarly, the electricity bill up to 35 US dollar the apartment owner will pay but if you consume more than this you have to pay the additional cost as you use.  

USA Social Security Number

One is allowed to work without social security number in America. This is a number given to each individual after they receive the job offer in USA. At the same time this number is essential to get the driving license as well. Therefore, the first and foremost task for the foreigners living in USA is to get the SSN i.e., social security number.

Job Payments

The payment for the jobs is weekly in America. So, each will get the payment of the work every week. Most of the American works hardly for six days and get relaxed in holiday. They are not running after the property collection and bank saving. The government is responsible for the health, education and employment.

If you have any question about Things to Carry While Travelling to USA, please leave your questions in the comment box. We will address your question within one working hour.

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