SEE Result 2079 Published !!! Check Now !!!

SEE Result of Academic Year 2079

Welcome to our Secondary Education Exam SEE result information page. Here we give steps to check SEE Result of Academic Year 2079.

SEE Result of Academic Year 2079

NEB has published SEE Result of the year 2079. So check the online result just following the normal procedure.

SEE Result 2080 With Grade Sheet

The office of the controller of examination Sanothimi Bhaktapur publishes the SEE Examination Result. At this moment thousands of students are looking for their online result. NEB is at the final stage to publish the SEE result.

Probably by the end of June 2023 NEB will publish the SEE result.

How Many Students Passed SEE Exam 2079?

In the initial days of the starting of Letter Grading system people think that it is no fail system. But in fact, it is strict then the old percentage system. At that time the pass mark for the then SLC was 32 but now it is 35.

If a student is not able to secure 35 percent in theory and 40 percent in practical then he or she will not be graded. It is NG that is not graded. Therefore, grading system is more challenging than the past percent system.

Students Getting A+ Grade in SEE Exam 2079

The examination board does not prepare the list of students in different grades. But in old percent system there used to be category of distinction, first division, second division and third division. But now actually the average GPA should not be like A or A+. it is an average of GPA points.

SEE Result of Different Provinces

There was a long talk about conducting the SEE exams by provinces and SLC exam by the central government. But later on, the central government is not ready to hand over this responsibility to the province government. Therefore, till the date Federal government is doing all the task for SEE exams.

Check SEE Result @

It is the official page of Nepal Telecom to provide online secondary education exams. It is some how reliable as well. Most of the Nepal government’s websites go down during the result hour. Hence students and parents get panic. So, in such case NTC web page gives relief.

2079 SEE Result

This year SEE result is for the academic year 2079. As the result comes in 2080 people are also calling it as SEE result 2080. What so ever it is no problem. The result is of same group of students.

Online SEE Result 2080

As the SEE result comes only in online media it is called online result. In the past there was only Gorkhapatra National Daily for SEE Result.

Finally, this is the result information page. If you are not able to check your online secondary education exam result, just send the details to us. We will give you the result with grade sheet.

Wish you all very best of luck for the upcoming SEE examination result.

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