SEE Result News for the year 2078 is out now. Parents and students are waiting for this SEE Result News. Here we provide the SEE result with grade sheet.
SEE Result News
Table of Contents
The meeting is going on in the office of the controller of examination in national examination board Nepal. As soon as the meeting is over the result will be published in online mode. It has been several years that the examination board is not publishing the result in Gorkhapatra.
SEE Result with Grade Sheet
If you have internet facility then you can easily check the SEE result with grade sheet. So, for this you have to follow these steps.
- First of all, go to the official website for Secondary education exam.
- Here enter your date of birth and exam roll number.
- Now submit the details for the online result with grade sheet.
Grading System in SEE Exam
Since the SEE exam 2072 the national examination board has removed the pass and fail system in the SEE exam. However, the new grading system is also making many students failed. It is because students with low grade are not eligible to get the admission for the grade 11 study. Hence in the name of no fail system students are being failed.

Grade 11 Entrance Exam Questions
Are you thinking of studying science in class 11? Well, if so, you have to face a competitive entrance exam to get the admission is some reputed schools and colleges. Therefore, to provide so information together with some entrance exam model here we have an attachment.
We have all subjects entrance exam model questions prepared by well experienced teachers of veteran schools. We are sure that you will find these model questions much useful during your entrance exam preparation. Just check our previous article on the topic entrance exam question for class eleven.
How to Correct name and Date of Birth in SEE Grade Sheet?
Though you have correctly filled your SEE exam form sometime you will get miss spelled grade sheet. Whereas in some cases you will get the grade sheet with wrong date of birth. So, in such cases you have to correct it. Here we have the details about the correction of name and date of birth in SEE grade sheet.