The office of the controller of examination publishes SEE Exam Result for AY 2079. SEE exam result is very much valuable for parents and students.

SEE Exam Result for AY 2079
Table of Contents
National examination board Nepal is working hard to publish SEE exam result 2079. The examination board is planning to publish SEE exam result by the mid of July 2022. Hence it is now time to learn more about result getting process.
SEE Result in
It is the official page of Nepal Telecom to provide the secondary education exam results. Hence students and parents can approach this page for the online result. This page will give you SEE exam result with grade sheet.
SEE Exam Result @
It is the official page of Nepal government for SEE exam result. Sometime due to high traffic server might be busy. In such case you can access for the alternative sites for the result.
The for SEE Exam Results
It is the official page of the office of the controller of examination. Well to get the online result with grade sheet you have to tap on Results. Then you will reach to the next dialogue box. Here you have to provide the exam symbol number with date of birth for the result with grade sheet.
SEE Result in Websites
The national examination board and the office of the controller of examination publish the SEE exam result in different sites of Nepal government. Beside this result is available in the private blogs as well. The detail about it is yet to come. As soon as the NEB publishes this list it will be available here.
How to Check Online Secondary Education Exam Result?
In the past Gorkhapatra national daily used to publish the then SLC result. The time was very hard. In some cases students have to wait even a week to get the newspaper for the result. On the result day it was very hard to get Gorkhapatra. Beside this there was no any means to get the result.
Online SEE Exam Result
In the race of three decades there is rapid development in the information technology. Since 2072 BS SEE exam result comes in online media only. The examination board does not publish the result in printing media. To some extent it is good. It saves paper and nature.
New Grading System for SEE Result
NEB has already published the new letter grading system which will be effective from this year. According to this new system students must get minimum of 35 percent in theory and 40 percent in practical. Similarly they must pass theory and practical individually.
We have details about this new letter grading system in our previous article. Hence if you want to know more about it please checks our previous article.
How to Correct DOB and Name in Grade Sheet?
If you have errors in your SEE grade sheet then it can be corrected. Here is the process for the correction. Collect your exam admission card and school’s recommendation letter. Now visit to province level education level for the further processing.