National Examination Board publishes the SEE Exam 2078 Online Result. So you can get the result with grade sheet from here. Â

SEE Exam 2078 Online Result
Table of Contents
The office of the controller of examination has published the secondary education exam result. Students and parents can download the result with grade sheet from the official website of Nepal government.
SEE Result with Grade Sheet
There are two types of SEE results. One is SEE result only which gives you the GPA of the students. On the next you can get the result with grade sheet. So, to get the SEE result with grade sheet you have to supply the date of birth of the student in the online result page.
Students with GPA A+
This is the list of students securing GPA A+. This is the SEE exam after two years. Last two years due to pandemic there was no SEE exam. Students were promoted by the schools with the help of subject teacher’s evaluation.
Schools have sent the final result by themselves and examination board just verified and published the result. Beside this there was no role of NEB in the result.
There were bundles of errors in those SEE result. The next amazing thing is that there were thousands of students getting over all GPA 4. It is totally unbelievable.
SEE Result Official Pages
National Examination Board Nepal provides the result in its own official page. Similarly Nepal Telecom NTC provides the SEE result from its official website.
Beside this there will be several private blogs to render SEE online result. This list of SEE result obtaining sites will come in this page as soon as the examination board publishes it.
How to Check SEE Result?
Follow these steps to get the online SEE exam result.
- First of all go to
- Enter your exam roll number.
- Give your date of birth.
- Finally submit the details for the online result with grade sheet.
Online SEE Exam 2079 Result
Secondary education exam 2078 result is out. There were more than five lakh students appearing SEE exam this year. The ministry of education finalized the SEE result in a meeting held in the ministry today.
SEE Result History
In the past it was called SLC. At that time students have to wait several days to get the result. There was no internet at that time. Hence people have to wait for Gorkhapatra National Daily for the result.
That time was really hard. No mobile phone no any other digital media. The only means for the result was the newspaper. This newspaper on the result day was really scared.