Australia Working Visa Open !!!

Seasonal Worker Program Australia

The Seasonal Worker Program Australia stream under the Temporary Work (International Relations) Visa. This program will let the foreigners to come to Australia and work as the Australian citizens.


Individuals willing to live and work in Australia under this program must meet the following eligibility criteria.

Applicants must:

  • Be invited or sponsored by the approved temporary activities sponsors.
  • Not be below 21 years of age.
  • Be endorsed by the Australian government and department of education skill and employment.
  • Not have previous Australian visa refused or cancelled
  • Meet the genuine temporary requirements
  • Be within the required health and character requirements.

Visa Sponsors

Employers willing to enroll temporary workers must be authorize by the Australian government. Similarly, these sponsors can heir the labors for the specified jobs only like agriculture sector.

Visa Application

The applicant must be outside Australia to apply temporary working visa. At the same time applicants cannot include the family members in this visa.


The duration of visa for the temporary is only for the limited period. Generally, it cannot be extended. However, if you are able to change the visa status during your stay in Australia then you can extend your stay in Australia.


The temporary visa holders cannot work in any other areas beside mentioned in the visa. The employee must follow the rules and regulations of the Australian government.

Obligation as Sponsor

The employer as sponsor has certain obligations.

  • The employer must cooperate the inspector appointed under the migration act of Australia.
  • Keep the record of the temporary migrant workers and submit it to the government if required
  • Inform the department of labor when certain events occur e.g., the visa holders do not remain in their specified area of work etc.

Seasonal Worker Program Australia

You must take the advice for the legal and authorized persons before making visa application. Learn more about Seasonal Worker Program Australia before making application.

The content of this article aims to provide the general knowledge about the seasonal working visa jobs in Australia. We are not official sponsors of this temporary working jobs. Hence it is the obligation of the applicant to find more about it before making financial payments and any other dealings.

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