Province One Primary Result has published. Hence you can get the Province One Primary Result with name list here.
Province One Primary Result
Table of Contents
Teacher service commission Nepal has started to publish primary level result of province one as well. Here we give the result of primary level teacher service commission Nepal for province one.

Ilam District TSC Nepal Primary Result
Teacher service commission Nepal has published the final result of Ilam district today. Here is the name list of successful candidates from this district. As you know well that primary level teacher’s selection is district wise.

Panchther District TSC Primary Result
Panchther is one of the four districts of Mechi zone. The final result of primary level teacher service commission Nepal is now finalized. Hence you can check the name list of successful candidates from this district in the list given below.
TSC Nepal Primary Result
Well it is the name list of successful candidates of primary level teacher selection for Taplejung district. Hence the applicants of this district can find their final result in the following list.
Other Province Primary Level Final Result
At the same time if you have any confusion about the result you can contact to TSC Nepal.
Jhapa District TSC Primary Final Result
Jhapa is in Mechi district. Here is the final result of Jhapa district for the primary level teacher service commission Nepal exam.
TSC Nepal has recently published the final result of primary level teachers for this district. Here is the final list of successful candidates of this district.
Posting of Newly Appointed Teachers
Probably the posting of primary level teachers starts soon after the Dashain festival. According to the source there is still thousands of vacancies in the community schools of Nepal. Hence TSC may call for the application for these vacancies in near future.
Therefore we would like to suggest all the interested candidates to remain in well preparation for the teacher service commission Nepal exams.
According to the source there will be two level exams for TSC Nepal teachers selection similar to public service commission Nepal.