National examination board Nepal has fixed the SEE and class 12 exam date. Here we have notice about NEB Class 12 and SEE Exam Date.
It is final exam time table for SEE students. Get your copy from here. Share the routine to your friends as well.
NEB Class 12 and SEE Exam Date
Table of Contents

Class 12 Exam Routine
Examination board is going to publish the exam routine very soon. The chairman of NEB announced that SEE exam will in Baishak and Class 12 Exam in Jestha. He added that there will be exam in the physical presence of students in the given exam centers.
New Grading System for SEE and Class 12
Recently NEB has published the new grading system. Hence all the concerned must know about this new provision. Here we are not repeating the same information. Just follow the above link to reach the new grading system details.
How to Correct Name and DOB in SEE Grade Sheet?
It is not your fault. Sometime there is carelessness of examination board while printing name and date of birth. This makes the students tension. But here we provide the steps for the correction of spelling in your name and date of birth.
Just follow us in here you can find all the procedure for the correction.
No Home Center
This time Examination board is not in mood to give home centers for the students. Questions printing is in progress. However, for SEE there are last year questions safe with examination board. So either to use this or not it is yet to decide.
If NEB can use these question papers huge amount of money will be saved. Therefore, there is discussion either to use the last year question or not for secondary education exam.
SEE Exam 2078 Routine
Download the PDF of SEE routine from this page. As soon as the examination board Nepal publish the exam routine it will be available here. Hence students can print it from here. This year SEE exam will be in the physical presence of the students.
Due to pandemic last two years’ examination board was unable to run the SEE board exam. SEE 2076 questions were destroyed. Hence no one was able to see them. However, SEE 2077 questions are still safe with National Examination Board Nepal.
CC TV Camera in Exam Centers
Students of class 12 will be monitored by CC camera in the exam centers. Hence all the class 12 exam centers must have CC camera in the exam rooms. This provision will certainly improve the quality of exam. Similarly, the board exam will be fair and reliable.
Nepal government ministry of education will soon fix NEB Class 12 and SEE Exam Date. Therefore, it is our kind suggestions for the students to be well prepared for the board exam.
Do not go after unwanted rumors. It is clear that there will be SEE and class 12 board exam in the given centers. Unlike to previous year there will not be home centers for the students. Hence they are compelled to write the exam in the mentioned centers only.
SEE Exam Centers
Here we will update the information about SEE exam centers. Hence it is wise to remain with us for all kinds of SEE exam matters. Keep of checking this page for the SEE exam centers.
Class 12 Exam Centers
Find the details of all Nepal class 12 exam centers. The examination board has just published the exam centers for all the students. So from this list you can check the exam centers. These exam centers are give according to districts.
SEE 2078 Result
NEB is working hard to publish the SEE result by the end of Shravan. In normal time it is in Asar. This year SEE exam is one month late compared to previous years. Last two years there was internal evaluation of SEE students. The government was not able to run the written exam.
SEE 2076 History
The SEE 2076 has interesting history. The government has cancelled the exam just previous night of the exam date. Students were busy for the next day exam. They had already packed the essential material in their pen case. But at 7 pm the radio Nepal news broad cast that SEE exam is postponed indefinitely.
After this also students waited for couple of months. But finally government decided to evaluate the student by a committee formed in each school.
This gave unbelievable result. Nearly 1000 students got over all GPA which is very hard to believe. The school’s evaluation was haphazard.