Japan Employment Online Form is now opened. Here we give the step by step process to fill the Japan Employment Online Form.
JLPT Exam Online form
Table of Contents
The online form for the Japanese language Proficiency Test known as JLPT is now open. So the interested can fill the online form for the exam. This language test exam form is free. So you do not have to pay for the online form.

How to fill online form?
You have to fill Basic Japanese language test form in online mode. As mentioned above it is free of cost. Only the selected candidates have to pay NRs. 2500 for the exam.
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Japan
The ministry of health, labour and welfare Japan will conduct the skill and basic language test for Nepalese workers. It is because in the first phase Japan is taking Nurse and care givers.
Nepalese people will to work in japan have to face the skill and language test. However this time due to huge number of applicants’ only thousand people can take part for the language test.
This thousand people will be selected by the lucky draw using software.
JLPT Test Schedule
Japanese government is going to organize the language test in three phases. In the first phase the exam is scheduled for 20 to 30 October 2019.
The second lot exam for the language test is from November 5, 6 and 7. In the first phase japan is going to enroll the employee for nursing and care giver.
Hence the selected candidates have to face the skill test as well as basic language test of their own field.
The third phase language test is on November 12, 13 and 14.
Dead Line for the Application
The dead line for the online application is 3 business day before the exam day. 4 business day if the test date is Saturday or Sunday.
We provide the updates for the JLPT language Test due course. So try to visit us time to time.
Hundreds of Thousands Workers in Japan
Japan is taking millions of workers from different nine countries. In the first phase it is taking the skill workers for nursing and care giver from Nepal. So for the online language test exam form is already open.