First time Indian Army has opened vacancy for Nepali women. Here is the details about Indian Army Job for Nepali Women.

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In French Army job both male and female can apply for the post. Hence interested can apply for the post.
Indian Army Job for Nepali Women
The first time in the history of Indian army there is vacancy announcement for Nepali women. There are nearly 3200 Nepali youths in different rank of Indian army. Similarly, there are many Nepali nationals in Indian police force as well. But it is the first time for the Nepali women.
Indian Embassy Kathmandu
This notice is given in India times daily stating the notice of the Indian Embassy Kathmandu. According to the press note India is going to recruit Nepali women in their military force. It is not new for the men. There are nearly 100 thousand Indian army pensioners in Nepal.
According to the announcement of Indian Embassy Kathmandu the eligible Nepali women can submit the online form for the post.
Eligibility for Indian Army
Nepali women with the following criteria can apply for the post.
- Class 10 passed
- Age between 16 to 21
- Height more than 152 cm.
NB: Only short listed candidates will take part for the physical round selection process.
Job Application Process
Interested and eligible Nepali youths can submit their online form. the dead line for the online form submission is July 20, 2021. Those who are categorized as Veer Nari are eligible to apply up to 30-year age. Those who fulfill the given criteria will undergo next round of selection in different cities of India.
Basically the kids of former Indian army gets concession during the selection. Hence Veer Nari and kids who father were killed during the duty gets 20 grace marks during the selection process.
Following are the selection centers in India
- Ambal
- Pune
- Lucknow
- Shilong
- Belgaum
So during the application if you have any confusion you can see the official website of Indian Embassy Kathmandu.
We have prepared this article with the reference of times India national daily.
Finally, we would like to express our best wishes to all the individuals willing to join Indian army.