USA Job for Foreigners !!!

How to Apply USA Working Visa Job

Welcome to our information page. Here we give detail about How to Apply USA Working Visa Job.

22000 Work Permit Job

The state government is going to provide work permit job for the foreigners. The eligible candidates can submit the online application for the job portals based in USA.

How to Apply USA Working Visa Job

There are basically two ways to make job application in USA. First one you can find the job vacancy by searching in the internet and make online application. Second you can approach to the employment agencies which are recruiting the workers in America.

Check Either You Are Eligible for US Work Permit Job or not

Give couple of minutes to fill the online eligibility test form to know either you are eligible to apply for working visa job in America or not. Only the eligible candidates can apply for this job. It depends upon your location. That is where you are from. Similarly, the next decisive point is the job what you are looking for.

Who are Eligible for US Working Visa

It is a general question. As mentioned above the working visa job eligibility differs by the nature of work you are looking for. Similarly, it varies on the basis of your passport. It means in which country and continent do you belong.

Like a citizen from certain nationality may be eligible for seasonal workers in agriculture sector he or she may not be eligible for manufacturing sector. So by this you might have understood what it means.

Seasonal Working Visa Job

There is shortage of workers in agriculture sector in USA. Hence every year the state government allows foreigners as seasonal workers. This is only for six months. The seasonal workers can live and work in USA just for 180 days. The next interesting part is no one can go USA under seasonal work permit visa more than once in their life.

Types of Work Visa in USA

United States of America provides different kinds of work permit visa. This will let you to live and work in USA. Hence the most important part is that you have to choose that visa which is most suitable for your knowledge skills and experience.

Qualifications for Work Permit in USA

  • Job offers letter from your employer
  • Approved petition from USCIS
  • Labor certification letter from department of labor

Requirement for US Work Visa

  • Valid passport
  • US Visa photograph
  • Completely Filled DS 160 form
  • Receipt of visa fee payment

Beside this general requirement for US work visa there might be some more required documents which you have to submit during the visa interview. Hence for this you have contact the US embassy in your country.

Right and Responsibility

As a temporary worker you have several rights granted by the American government. So, if you feel that you right migrant workers are exploited then you can report to the department of home land USA. Doing this you will not force by US government to return your home.

Finally, we would like to suggest all the interested candidates for working visa job in USA to learn more about it from the official page of state government before making the online application or application through the recruiting agencies.

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