Biggest Hydropower in the World

Biggest Hydropower in the World

Three Gorges of China is the biggest hydropower in the world. It is 2335 m long and 185 m tall.

Biggest Hydropower in the World

The reservoir formed after the construction of this dam extended up to 600 km. it is the largest concrete structure in the world. About 28 million cubic meter concrete was used in this structure. Similarly, 463000 metric ton steel was used in three gorges dam. It is that much, if this amount of concrete is spread through out the country in Switzerland, then ground level of Switzerland would raise by one foot.

Tallest Dam in the World

NameDate of CompletionRiverCountryHeight in m
Grande Dixence1961DixenceSwitzerland285
Mauvoisin1957Drance de BagnesSwitzerland250

Source: International Water Power and Dam Construction Yearbook (1996).

Best Source of Electricity

In the present contest hydroelectricity is the best source of power. It has multidimensional benefits. Like it does not produce dust and smoke in the environment. On the top of this hydro power even support to maintain the earth temperature. The use of fossil fuel produces many harmful biproducts during its burning. Hence the world is now focused to produce hydroelectricity.

Nepal Hydroelectricity History

In the history we find that Nepal has Sundarijal hydro plant when there was not electricity in China. But now Nepal cannot be compared with China from any angle. Therefore, the leaders must be honest. The development of the country depends upon the political leadership. Honest one top leader is enough for the sustainable development of the nation. There are several examples in the world.

Reservoir Type Hydroelectricity  

Most of the hydro power plant in Nepal are based on run of the rivers. It means the production depends upon the current of water in the river. In summer such hydro plants run in its full capacity. But during the dry season the production slash by more than 50 percent. Hence to solve the power crisis in the country Nepal must focus on dam based hydro plants.

Prosperity of Nepal in Power and Tourism

Nepal can be self-dependent in power if we can build mega projects like Budigandaki and Upper Araun hydro projects. Some other are in pipe line. So, the government must focus on power production in this decade. Similarly, we must identify new destination for the tourists. At the same time government must work on how to elongate the stay of tourist in Nepal.

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