Pokhara University Exam Center for Fall Semester has published today. You can check the Pokhara University Exam Center over here.

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Pokhara University Exam Center, Exam Notice (Fall Sem )
Latest Notices of Pokhara University Exam Center
Pokhara University has recently published the exam center for the fall semester 2017. Therefore, students of Pokhara University can easily find their exam center here. There are several affiliated colleges of Pokhara University in Nepal. These colleges spread all over the countries.
Exam Center for Fall Semester
Semester System Regulations of Pokhara University
- Introduction
Pokhara University follows the semester system. The university adopts the practice of continuous evaluation of a student’s performance.
It also allows the student, subject to the regulation of credit requirements. Hence the University helps to progress at a pace suited to his /her individual ability and convince. So, the instructor is responsible for internal evaluation of the student and the office of the Controller of Examinations conducts the semester -end examination.
Each course has a certain credit hours assigned to it depending on the number of lectures, tutorials and practical work hours in a week. And normally one credit is equivalent to one hour lecture per week per semester. The minimum number of class hours for a course of three credit hours in a semester is 48.
- Academic Schedule
An academic year of the University consists of two semesters of 16 weeks each. So,the fall semester starts in September and the spring semester in March. Fresh Admissions are normally made at the beginning of the fall semester.
- Procedure for Admission
- Pokhara University makes public announcement for Admission.
The concerned college scrutinizes the applications and invites the eligible candidates for entrance exam.
Similarly, the date and time for the entrance test is informed to the prospective students by the college. The college may also interview the candidates for final selection for admission.
So, the candidates, who are given provisional admission, pending the submission of the qualifying certificates, will be required to submit their qualifying certificates within a month of admission.
In case of default the admission may be cancel. Therefore the admission process of Pokhara University is transparent.