Millions are thinking about How to Apply for Work Visa in USA in the world. Basically, people want to live and work in USA for their kids.
Visas Types

The state government issue different types of visas for the foreigners. So, you have to choose the visa category according to your situation. Sometime wrong visa selection leads to the visa rejection. Hence learn more about the requirement and qualification for different types of USA visas. Â
You Can submit online application via official page of the state government. Details are available in the US embassy website Kathmandu as well.
How to Apply for Work Visa in USA
Table of Contents
Well after determining the visa category next you have to learn about the application process. Now let us discuss on how to apply for working visa in America in details.
Step 1
Finalize your visa type by reading the common nonimmigrant visa types. Then next you have to know about the qualification and other requirement for that visa. Every thing is well explained in the visa category. If you are the citizen of visa waiver countries then no need to apply for the visa. Determine about it from visa waiver program of the state government.
Step 2
Now the next step is to complete DS 160 form. Make sure that you have gone through the guidelines for the online DS 160 form. Single error will make your application invalid. All the personal information must be correct and accurate. It is because once you submit the form you cannot make any change in it. So read the instruction carefully. The information center cannot help you to fill the DS 160 form. You need the DS 160 number to book the appointment for the visa interview.
Step 3
Well once you have determined the visa type and fill the online DS 160 form the next step is to pay for the visa. The visa fee differs on types of visas. Hence go through the visa fee page to know how much should you pay for the visa. There you can choose the option for the payment
To pay your visa fee read the bank and payment option from the official page of the state government. It gives all the details clearly.
There you have to create a profile and include receipt number to book the interview date.
Step 4
Now you have to log in to your profile from the details entered to pay your visa fee. Once you are in the system you will find your dashboard.
Click on schedule appointment in the left-hand side of the dashboard. Now your appointment scheduling process begins here. So, for this you need these details.
- Your current passport
- Visa payment receipt number
- 10 digits bar code of the DS 160 form.
While proceeding ahead you will find the option for the visa type, enter personal data, select the dependents and choose the document delivery options in this page.
Step 5
According to the appointment date you have to approach the US embassy in your country for the visa interview. There you have to carry 2 passport size color photographs together with DS 160 confirmation page and visa fee payment original receipt.
If you are accepted for the US visa then you will not get the passport on the same day. It will be delivered to your desire destination which you have choose during the online visa interview date booking.
Step 6
Now it is the final step to proceed for America. Collect all the required belongings and buy air ticket and move for USA on your desire time frame.
Seasonal Working Visa in USA
The state government provides temporary work permit for the foreign citizens. Basically, to fulfill the shortage of labor in agriculture sector every year US government call for seasonal workers from different countries in the world. The list of eligible nations is available in the official page of US embassy Kathmandu.
High Demand Jobs in USA
The government of United States of America is under going the shortage of labors in different sectors. Therefore, in the demand of labors cannot be fulfilled from the domestic market in such case private companies can enroll the foreigners in their organizations.
So, looking at the current situation the agriculture and production sectors have high demand of migrant workers in America.
Facilities for the Migrant Workers
The payment for the working hours is different in different states. Similarly, is the living cost. The cost for food stuffs is same as Nepal in America but the accommodation is costly. In an average you need five hundred dollars for monthly expenditure.
Conclusion: in a nut shell we conclude that you must not pay money for the agents blindly. In several cases you can submit online application. Finally, if you have any queries about the working visa job in USA then you can contact our experts’ team. However, we are not the manpower supplier or any sort of agent to enroll migrant workers in abroad.
We are serving as a volunteer in this regard.