Teacher service commission Nepal publishes TSC Nepal Primary Level Result. You can get the detail results in this article.
TSC Nepal Primary Result
Table of Contents

Result is available at tsc.gov.np

TSC Nepal Primary Level Result
Finally TSC Nepal is ready to publish primary level general paper result. it has already published secondary level and lower secondary level result. Primary level general paper result is district wise. We have the link of teacher commission official result here.
It is not technically possible to publish the result of all 77 districts in this page. Hence we provide the link for the official page of teacher service commission.
TSC Nepal Secondary Level Result
The first paper is same for all subjects’ candidates. Hence it is not possible to identify the individual subject’s pass percentage. In general about 12 percent candidates are able to pass this first paper exam.
The case is similar in lower secondary level result as well.
Primary Level Kathmandu District Result
Teacher commission Nepal has published the TSC primary result of all districts. You can get the result from the official website of Teacher commission Nepal. The official page for the result is www.tsc.gov.np.
TSC Result of Kaski District
Kaski is the center of Gandaki province. Naturally there were large numbers of candidates from this district. TSC has organized the exam of Kaski district’s candidates in Tanahun district. Check the result of Kaski district at the end of this article.
Second Paper Primary Level Exam Questions
In next article we will give you the questions for practice. These questions will be strictly according to the latest curriculum. So, if you are able to pass this general paper then do not miss our second paper questions collection.
How to prepare Primary Level Second Paper?
This is the question in the mind of all TSC Nepal candidates. Hence to address this demand we are going to give you the tips for the second paper exam preparation. In our next article you find the guide for the second paper exam.
If you have any question about the TSC Nepal exam you can contact our expert’s team. They are always ready to provide help and support to you guys.
Finally, we would like to express best of luck to all TSC candidates.