According to the source there is about 20000 Vacancies in TSC Nepal. Finally TSC application form is now open. This time free competition candidates have to face new model exam.

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Here you can submit the online form for teacher service commission Nepal. Give the correct details for the online form.
What is new Exam Model?
The new education act has recently passed. According to this new act there will be first phase elementary exam of 100 full marks. The pass mark for this exam is 50. Hence who are able to secure 50 or above, can sit for the main exam. It is similar to the public service commission Nepal exam.
TSC New Curriculum
As mentioned above the Teacher Service Commission Nepal is going to fulfill around 20 teachers for the community schools. This time candidates passed from the elementary exam can take main exam.
Feed Back of Candidates
Most of the fresher are disappointed with the decision of TSC Nepal. In the past there was no provision of two phase exam. Hence this new system made the fresh candidates difficult to prepare the exam.
Like one having good knowledge in his or her subject matter may not be able to face the second phase exam. Hence this system of exam may not get the right candidates for the concern subject.
Community Schools Result
In general the community schools result either in SEE exam or class 12 exam is not satisfactory. Beside few schools in the urban areas most of the community schools are running with the shortage of students. In so many districts government had already merged the schools to reduce the expense.
Raw Teacher in Private Schools
Teachers working in private schools have no opportunity for the training. Similarly most of them are compelled to work with low salary. Most of them are not paid equal to the government scale. But they have encouraging result. This is the matter of research. Government invests billion of rupee in the education sector but the return is very poor. However in the private sector the human resource investment in low but the result is encouraging.
Why Government Can Not Improve the Situation of Community Schools?
We hereby would like to request all the educationists, teachers and all other stake holders to give their opinion in this topic. How government can improve the community schools existing situation? Let us suggest to the government about it.