Guide for US Embassy Visa Interview

US Embassy Visa Interview guide

Here is perfect US embassy visa interview guide. If you are applying for student visa for America this US embassy visa interview guide works a lot.

So the genuine students will never be rejected for visa in the US embassy. But you must not be nervous during the interview.

Similarly never try to answer the unknown questions. If you do not understand the question please do not try to answer it.

US Embassy Visa Interview guide

  1. Why are you reapplying for the visa?

Well, last time I was little nervous during my interview. As it was the first time I appear for the interview I myself cannot explain the things clearly. So I am reapplying for the second time.

  1. Why USA?

US degrees are given more preference as compared to other countries. Similarly the education system in US is based on latest pedagogy of education.

On the other hand the scope of American degree is wide in Nepal. Therefore all these reasons drag me to apply for USA for my further study.

  1. Why USA universities? Why not UK, Canada universities?

There is no scholarship opportunity available for international students in UK, Canada universities. As in comparison the tuition fees and living expenses is also so high.

  1. Why did you choose MBA?

Well I have already got the technical education. So I am in search in management education. If I am able to acquire both technical and managerial education my carrier will be sound in the market.

So, I can be the job provider rather than job seeker in Nepal.

  1. Why did you choose this university?

Well, this is the university which gave be the best response while applying for I 20.

Similarly the tuition fee and living expenses are low as compared to other universities in USA. Therefore all these reasons encourage me to join this university.

US Embassy Visa Interview Guide

The above are some examples of interview questions. We would like to suggest you to answer the question in brief and specific. What so ever is the question does not matter but your answer must be the specific one.

So we would like to express our best wishes for your successful journey to USA. Best of luck to you all

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